Chapter Six

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Jake seemed to be the most interested in Nova's story of her first wild collage party. He sat cross legged, which was odd considering his muscular and rich physique, on the couch facing her as she recounted the crazy night. Reese smiled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder while she glowed from the sudden attention.

Steph's house party was in full swing, neighbours and family from all around town had stopped by for Jake's homemade treats. Reese's daughter had insisted him and Nova at least stop by, as evident by her persistent phone calls. Then, two weeks after Dr. Ragnar's diagnosis, the date of the party arrived. Introducing Nova to Steph was awkward, at least for Reese. Nova simply shined and Steph seemed to love her. Now, a couple of hours later, the four of them were sitting on Steph's green couch chatting the time away. The party had quieted down and people had formed into couplets or groups, smiling and laughing as Steph's kids ran circles around them.

"And then Sarah practically jumped at the chance to do a keg stand! And I know Sarah, and she was never the type to let her hair down so..." Nova continued her story; one Reese had already heard but still loved to listen to it.

The night wore on, more and more people slowly drifting out the door, emptying the room. Steph didn't mind, it was a successful party where people had fun and that's all that mattered.

After a while Reese craved getting away from the small talk and bright lights and had an idea. He took Nova by the hand and when Steph had decided to pop into the kitchen while Jake tucked the kids into bed, they made their escape.

Giggling, and shushing each other, the pair hobbled out the sliding door and into the lush backyard. There was a pool with crystalline water lapping up at the edges from the windy night. Reese crouched in front of the pool and carefully sat, resting his legs in the water. Nova joined him without a thought and her dress floated up around her knees as the water swirled between them. Reese sighed and took her hand. She rested her head on his shoulder and whispered, "So I'm your girl, am I?"

He smiled, remembering that he had indeed introduced Nova to Steph as his girlfriend. He nodded, "That you are."

She squeezed his palm, "Damn straight."

The water winked under the moonlight and grew colder. "This party is lovely, of course, but..." Nova clicked her tongue.

Immediately, Reese picked himself up out of the water and, holding his cane steadily, extended a hand towards Nova. She took it with a grin.

"Where are we off to now, lover boy?" She laughed.

Reese wiggled his brows jokingly, "My place or yours? And by 'my place' I do mean the couch I've lived on for the past while."

Nova punched his arm lightly, "You goober," She smiled, "I think my place would be suitable."

And so the two lovers stole into the night, hopping into the first taxi they saw and hurrying up the stairs to their apartment without a second thought of the party they'd left behind.

Reese woke up bleary eyed and quite content. He shielded his eyes from the blinding sunlight shining in from the large window and rolled over. Untangling blankets and legs, finally Reese got himself situated enough so that he could comfortably rest on his side. Nova was sleeping peacefully, blankets tucked up under her chin and eyes shut. Reese gently pushed her hair away from her eyes and kissed her nose. He didn't think he'd ever be able to get over how gorgeous she looked.

She sniffed followed by a cough followed by a yawn and a stretch. Reese smiled, "Good morning," He whispered, not wanting to wake her up too quickly. He bit his lip and added, "Nova, I'm in love with you."

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