Final Chapter: Even Angels Have To Fly Away

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It was a small shadow that rendered itself still in the portal whilst 5 dark blanketed figures others remained beside her, all of them with their ears flat against their skulls.

Yogi began shivering as though it were cold which - surprisingly, it wasn't so. Riley just lay on the ground and began whimpering in fear, Vixi began taking tentative steps backwards, Bailey hid behind the mother she loved so much, Murphy seemed to have the most noticeable action of them all, his tail retracted between his legs and he bounded around in circles. Trying desperately to pull their caretaker away from the shell before them as though they knew something disastrous was about to happen He continued to do so until he had gotten lose and joined his cream sister behind the small blonde girl. A hymn of dog chatter filled her ears and yet she couldn't tear her gaze from the boy cowered up on the floor, cradling nothing in his arms but protected that same nothing as though it were the product of heaven itself.

Then she stepped forward, follow by her canine friends of which refused to place another paw forward where she dare tread. As she did so, he growled almost ritualistically then she made her stand. Falling to her knees before his face and allowed the curtains to drape around him, letting no other distractions catch his attention and saw something in him that seemed different. Something that wasn't entirely human gazing back through his eyes and in that moment, she felt she knew what had to have occurred. With a guttural puff exasperation - She sighed... and then she wrapped her arms under his shoulders to secure her safe grasp upon, almost immediately, he began to struggle. A thrashing not akin to the power he had just minutes ago.

"It's me...Rose, shh, calm down... it's me..." With as much care as she could muster, she gave out to him once more, offering calm sheltering solace with her limbs being the ropes of consolation that held him steady so she could shoot him with something she wished she could feel at that moment.


Alas, he did eventually cease and give in to her embrace, his voice sounding far raspier that it once did days before. It sounded like his tonsils had been literally eradicated and stuffed with first and infection; responding with a simple, however confusing: "I'd have cleaned up all this mess..."

Then she looked down at him - well, his hair anyway - with a knowing glance and decided to go with it. "Close your eyes and count to three and remember it's all in your hea-" The sound of weak sobbing filled her ears, no moisture in that vocal travesty which came out like nails on a chalkboard. "You're not here... you're right... this IS all in MY head. None of this is real because she is dead. You are dead!" His arm, flew and his finger pointed like a dagger towards the dogs behind her. "They are dead!" He pushed himself away, knocking over a table that held the knife which in turn fell towards her feet. He now lay face down in the kitchen whilst trying to pick himself up weakly but to no avail. Scrambling madly like a man in lye.

She took that moment of opportunity to snatch the cold steel shard into her hand and hide it up the sleeve of her hoodie then trudged up towards him carefully as not to set him off. "Rose, stop it now. I'm in no mood, I know this is hard for you but whatever you saw was all in your head..." It seemed to make him snap, in an instant Rose snapped his head towards her and gave a bellowing screech of vulgar pitch and mucus infested sobs. "Shut up! I saw you die, I'm covered in YOUR blood! I killed them! Look at me! How can you tell me it's not real?!" He then opened up his right arm wide as though showing off his outfit, which was still crusted from the incident before she left to get him a new set of clothing.

Swiftly, she opened up her mouth and with another step forward, she questioned his response. "How can you tell me it's not all in your head?"

It was at that moment they both heard the whining, Murphy had entered the building while none others dared to cross the doorway's barrier. He carefully trudged up to him and gave Rose a nudge with his wet muzzle. Giving him a quick lick which seemed to bring Rose back to reality for a moment, his eyes widened slightly and then tears filled Rose's eyes. Murphy then crept his head under Rose's arm and cuddled him. A cuddle that almost urged Rose to come back to the reality and from the outer perspective: he had succeeded.

The Small Blonde GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora