Chapter 6: Paradise

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The small blonde girl looked him in the eyes and pulled herself away from the passionate embrace - much to the dismay of Rose, with an exasperated sigh, he began to speak.

"I'm sorry..."

He said, the simple two words had stung her heart. She knew he loved her, he adored her, and it was agonizing how much he honestly cared and was cute how he felt so... insignificant. It added to his charm. However it was pitiful and held particular weakness in his obsessive dependability on her. To her - it was horrendously painful, this was because while she loved him so dearly, she loved him above nearly all else; however... it was as though a shadow of doubt began to whisper to her. She knew despite all his love, despite all of his loving emotions.

He wouldn't be there for her in person. She knew that he couldn't stick around forever, perhaps it wasn't meant to be, on the other hand... she knew he could do what it took to be with her, knew what he'd do to see her smile. Knew what distance Rose would go just to love her a little more. So she clung to him like a child does their mother on the first day of school. Then replied to his apology with a calming yet equally wistful expression, with an equally loving and languishing smile.

"Don't be, I wanted you to..."

With that, she began to nestle her head into the young boy's somewhat bony and uneven chest. Listening to the lullaby of his heart as though it was a beautiful symphony, composed of but a singular percussion instrument with a lack of a composer - which made it seem almost mechanical. As though it were a small piece of something bigger instead of a vital component to the giving and retaining of life.

She pressed a hand to her left breast, putting pressure against it to feel her own thumping like a bass in rhythm as she listened. She had been told by Rose that if you listen to something intently or through earphones and concentrated on that. The heart begins to beat in an all near perfect representation of the original presented piece.

Slowly; very slowly, she allowed her hand to fall from her chest, instead placing it next to his and began to draw circles in his palm, her state of mind was ataractic. She was okay staying here, she wanted this; craved for this; in his arms, with his loving being belonging to her. Could she make it official? She was afraid just as he was, he never showed it - simply because he was always the one who got hurt the most. She knew that much, so she could gather how he felt, her assumption was that Rose was simply remaining strong because what he did know and what he was willing to do was gargantuan in comparison to this comparably tiny movement from one island to another.

What she didn't know was that he got a job on top of his studies, making and saving every bit that he could just so every few months he could visit her in Canada. Every few months he could spend and few days here. Here being with her, here being wherever life took her, so he could lay in a small girl's arms, with a small girl's small ears and small hands wrapped around his heart and listening intently to a song that would end when he did, to feel a small girl's lips upon his own in a fateful lock.

A weight across the bedding distracted them all, eyes drifted across the poster covered, color riddled room to see Murphy and Bailey both getting up on the bed to be fondled behind the ears by the two passionately intertwined humans. Coming to an almost trot-like page across the unsteady surface; both of the beautiful creatures, like ying and yang in stature focused on the young girl and allowed their heads to defend onto the soft, plump pillows that were her buttocks. Laying down with the couple, for the while that they had, they enjoyed each other's company. Breathing in a soft, low rhythm as though they were one being, having reached the peaking pinnacle of peacefulness, creating an almost utopian atmosphere.

After a short while, she sighed and stood up, it was a regretful standing, when you have to do something you don't want to. As stubborn as the two were, when it came to tearing themselves away from things they loved, she was better at it - for of the two, she possessed almost sage-like wisdom that he did not. He being envious looked up to her as though she were "senpai".

Her pleased face regained its sovereignty in the center of his view. Offering a lonely, joyful however smile and stroked his cheek with her right hand; of which he grabbed and nuzzled into and began to kiss.

Both dogs began to start towards her, stretching their pawed limbs and let out exasperated yawns, each one of the two ending in nearly perfect sync.

Bailey began lapping at her left hand that was by her waist; while Murphy jumped up and licked her jawline.

It felt like perfection to Rose. It felt like his paradise was finally achieved. Remarkable as it was, he felt so incredible in this moment. Like nothing could ruin him. As though nothing could tear him apart. Like all the hallucinations and delusions he thought were real meant nothing to him anymore, accepting this as reality was near impossible for him. Simply because it was all far too good to be true. He reached his goal in life. He made the girl he was oh-so madly in love with happy, he was sitting in her room, on her bed with indescribable happiness coursing through his veins all because he sat on what was comparably holy ground in his foolish eyes.

So he just lay back and made an estimated conclusion:

Heaven really was a place on Earth.

The simplistic train of thought was held such complexity that Rose hadn't realized water was falling from his petals.

He was crying.

It made him so happy, happier than when he got his first pet. Happier than when he played his first video game. Happier than when he wrote a feature length book. In the single short moment, he had conveyed such an explosion of emotion. Unaware of the commotion he was drawing to himself until she looked at him - stunned, almost worrisome, tilting her head to the side much like a dog did in moments of utter confusion.

'What's Wrong With Your Bake?'

Famous last words if I've ever heard any. The words that literally defined his situation. In that simple sentence, a Charred Rose gave an overview to himself before an answer so much as ran a mile across his mind. He looked back at everything. All the love he felt for the girl before him made him realize that he was not truly alone until he was left behind by her. The happiness meant that he was always loved by the one who truly mattered; otherwise happiness would not exist upon his features. She made him happier than ever, yet doubt did remain... he was afraid. What if she grew tiresome and her love for him ended tragically. A complex thought that was simplistic in nature.

Either way... For now, he'd be truthful.

"I'm just so happy...!" He said as he smiled stupidly at the Firefly before his broken eyes. That was she was... A small fly, with a smaller light. Ironically she was literally tiny in stature. However the slight she cascaded through the one darkness was like a bonfire that lit up the abyss that was that was his life.

One light in the inky blackness of the ocean-like pit of life can really stand out like a black dot in a void of whiteness. So long as you know where to look.

She sighed and walked over to the window. Allowing her head to hand to hand a little before reaffirming her stance in life and giving the little shit a look that he deserved:

The look of a cheeky git.

"Right you silly dote! I'm taking you for a night (even though it was day) on the town!"

Then she put on her shoes and walked out, not stopping for anyone as she waited for the Rose to follow.

Little did they know... it was about to come crashing down in just a few days... For it was soon time for Fate's cruelest hand to be played. It was time for a perfect mirror to crack, and the rose began to catch fire.

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