Chapter 12: All Due Respect

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The rain came down hard, the night had been unforgiving, akin to his crime.

The fangs of the local weather had been honed to articulate standards. For a late summers night especially so; having frantic, unpredictable winds as well as bitter, chilling rain - undoubtedly froze him to the bone, battered him relentlessly and left him shivering in the lonesome night.

The life nectar of his victim besieged his taste buds and the sin against now ran amok inside of his mind. Over and over he traced the scene like a broken record. His heart and lungs working overtime to keep his pace. He must have easily been 3 miles away way by now; his longest sprint.

"Keep going... you can't stop!" She yelled again from unseen heights. So he ran further and further until eventually he came to an overpass. A simple shelter from the storm. Like a house in a hurricane - it was his safe haven for now. He sat and listened to the rain hammer down all around him. Rose knew what he had done and every droplet that reached his ears was like a shotgun fired next to his head. It was deafening as he tried to think about what he had done. "It's my fault... I never kept myself in check and now I've ruined everything!" He practically screeched, the cover of the night hiding his vocals and indefinitely shadowing his position to those out of range. Though as he spoke, her voice cut through the darkness behind him and out she came into the light of desolation.

"Don't you ever say that about yourself? Do you want me to leave you sniveling in the dirt you pathetic, insubordinate, wretched cur!?" She screeched at him like a banshee as her face turned beet red, her nose began bleeding and then suddenly she began to sob immensely on the floor. Her knees collapsing underneath her as her strength was sapped from her like water from soil. Her strings seemed to finally have been cut as her body slipped from its stage. "Don't you love me any more...? If you love me than you have to keep going... please... in the morning we can go get Murphy and the others and we can go... we can all go and run! If you love me, stay out of the way... stay out of trouble..." She glared at him from beneath her golden fringe. Eyes soaked in salty tears and utilized emotions. Fury and honest sorrows fled from her tear ducts and her emotions were set to high. Her icy glare eventually caused Rose's submission and then his head followed suit. His voice having vanished along with his dignity. His arms like a cloak in the cold wrapped around her body...

Still, the warmth remained.

1 hour later...

He had officially been in an accident. Her cousin - Mike - hit by a speeding vehicle and had shattered his left femur, his left tibia had been obliterated by a protruding shard of metal removed in surgery, the right patella had almost been bent inwards the wrong way around. Causing severe trauma to his legs. Above the waist things only seemed to get worse. Sacrum had been dislocated and cracked, requiring immediate attention which in the process had also been found to have punctured the small intestine. A small shard of his lower vertebrate had been completely cracked into several pieces. 2 ribs had been broken and one shredded by the force of impact. His heart had been grazed lightly and caused some minor internal bleeding. Sternum left unstable and finally his skull had been cracked in 5 separate places. It was a miracle he was still alive and breathing they said. Even more so that he may actually make it through it devastating wounds; though it would be a while before they could tell for sure. She was terrified. A monstrosity of an accident and horrendous injuries yet somehow he was still managing to pull through.

She had to go back home, she needed her passport and printed documents of her purchase to even get on the steel bird that would take her over to where she needed to be. As she arrived home and opened the wooden gate that held back her "wee little man" She had been pounced upon and given a series of desperate licks that each converted to a message of desperation and undefiled love. She struggled to release herself from the beat that was her monstrous fluffy babe, then further to continue to acquire the other four of her beloved furry family locked in separate rooms with bowls of food and water to sustain them.

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