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K. Michelle P.O.V

I woke with a tear stain face, a major headache, hungry and I was still tired from last night. When I looked around and was confused why I was in the guest room and then memories of last night came back and I sighed. I got up and unlocked the door seeing 15 bouquets of flowers, I picked up the note and read it.

"I'm sorry, I slept out here at your door waiting to see you beautiful face. I woke up and I guess that you were still sleeping, I left these flowers to let you know that I'm sorry and I understand why you were upset. I love you sorry I'm gone at the studio making something for you." I read it, it warmed my heart only a little but I still really didn't care still pissed off

I walked downstairs and saw Chase and Janessa watching TV and I smiled. They looked up and me and then looked back at the TV.

"Janessa where yo sisters at?" I asked

"Daddy took them with him, either to the studio or to grandma house" Janessa said

"How about y'all get dress and I'll take y'all to breakfast and Sky zone." I said and their faces lit up

"Mama you serious" Chase said and I smiled

"Yes I am now go get ready. So we can go and have fun" I said and they jumped up from the couch and ran upstairs

I decided to call Rihanna up real quick, I heard about Chris. She said he should be alright but, I just wanted to make sure she's cool. I guess she accidently answered the phone cuz I heard her and Chris having sex in the back. I hung up well that answer my question, they are doing fine.

I ran upstairs and showered, I got dressed in my high wasted jeans, my yellow smiley crop top shirt, and my yellow and black Jordan's. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup, I curled my hair giving me Malaysian curls.

I grabbed my keys to Lexus sport, my black leather Michael kors purse, and My IPhone. I walked downstairs and saw Janessa in some high wasted shorts, her see through black long sleeve shirt, and her black Jordan's.

Chase was dressed some true religion jeans, an aeropostale white shirt, and his all white Jordan's. We all left out and went to IHop, we were all seated and our waiter already took our orders.

"So mama is there a reason, why you taking us out and stuff. I mean the last time you did something like this, you told us that you was pregnant with Aria and Alexis" Chase said and I laughed nervous as hell

"No reason, just wanted to spend some time with y'all. Tomorrow at 3 I want to go to the spa with you, Janessa and Chase Ima take you to the arcade. Every Friday we all gone do something." I said and they smiled

I felt so guilty, I may be pregnant with another sibling for them and I lied to them. Well they don't have to know now, not until I find out am if I'm pregnant or not, I need to schedule a doctor appointment for me.

After breakfast we all went to sky zone and all started doing some tricks jumping around. I tried to do a back flip but failed falling on my ass, and Chase busted out laughing with Janessa I even join in laughing with them.

Then I looked back at Chase and saw him doing this flip and his leg twisted and he looked like he wanted, to scream but held it in. I got up and ran over to him and he was holding onto his leg.

"Let me see, just relax don't tense up or you'll mess it up even more." I said and he started breathing heavy

"Can you move it" I asked and he shook his head 'No' and I told Janessa to call 911

Three hours later...

I was at the hospital with Chase, they had him super high on some pain killers. He had a cast on his leg, he had twisted his leg all the way and they had to move it back in place. Don't even know if he'll be able to play football or basketball, we'll find out as soon as he gets his cast off. I drove to McDonald and I turned back to chase.

How do I know? (Is this love real Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now