Chapter 6: Jadis... Queen of Narnia?

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"Very funny," He mumbled sarcastically.

"Maybe we should go back?" Susan suggested. Amelia noticed that she suddenly looked a bit nervous in the presence of the forest.

"Shouldn't we at least take a look around?" Edmund asked, gesturing slightly to the trees around them.

Peter glanced around at all of them, "I think Lucy should decide."

A smile adorned Lucy's features, excitement evident in her voice, "I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!"

"Then Mr. Tumnus it is!" Peter happily announced. Amelia then became aware of the cold air surrounding them and suddenly she was shivering from head to toe, her teeth clattering slightly. The adrenaline from their situation had quickly worn off, leaving them all vulnerable to the icy air surrounding them. Peter quietly disappeared in the direction they had come from.

"But we can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this!" Susan pointed out, seeming to have read Amelia's thoughts.

Peter then appeared, a few coats in his arms, "No, but I'm sure the professor won't mind us using these," He said before handing Amelia the snow white coat, "Besides, if you think about it logically, we're not even taking them out of the wardrobe."

Amelia grinned at the news. She couldn't wait for them to meet Mr. Tumnus! Peter held out the last coat to Edmund - a grey and black fluffy one - and he looked at it in disgust, "But that's a girl's coat!"

Peter shrugged nonchalantly, "I know."

The group then started on the small journey to Mr. Tumnus's house. Lucy led the way and not once did she stop talking about her previous visits. Amelia managed to block her out at some stage, she had heard the stories before, after all.She turned to her own thoughts for company. Why did the snow have such an effect on her? Why did it only affect her? Why was she experiencing all these crazy things whenever she came near Narnia? She couldn't remember feeling this when she was with Aslan, or the first time she came with Lucy. She thought to herself, But I never touched the snow when I was with Lucy, and Aslan was just a dream. Something was happening to her, and she was too afraid to find out what it was.

The group was nearing Mr. Tumnus's home when Lucy stopped abruptly in her tracks, bringing Amelia back to reality. The sight before her sent fear shuddering through her every nerve. The door to the fawn's house was broken and glass littered the entrance. A gasp escaped Lucy's mouth before she sprinted to the house.

"Lucy!" Peter's voice ran after her, his body not far behind.

The rest of the children ran after Lucy and into the house of the missing fawn. Amelia shuddered at the sight inside, her heart suddenly in her throat. Everything was torn apart, the house was a complete and utter mess of broken belongings. She frowned at the familiar teapot now shattered on the floor.

"Who would do something like this?" Lucy asked quietly as she stared on, heartbroken.

Amelia walked in but cringed at the sound of shattering glass under her feet. Her eyes landed on a piece of long parchment that had been nailed to the pillar in the centre of the room.

"What on earth?" She quietly asked herself before walking closer. Her eyes widened as she saw the message that was written on the parchment.

"Peter! Lucy!"

The children came closer, just in time to hear her read the notice out loud.

"The former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, etc., also of comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harboring spies and fraternizing with humans.'

Heart and Home~ Edmund PevensieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin