"Yeah, why do we have to wait?"

"Well, Molly because the last time you came with us on something like this, you managed to get your foot and hand stuck in one trap, and Lydia, cause I've only got one bat," He says. 

"I have claws and fangs," I say. 

"Just stay here, please," He says. He runs in after Scott and Lydia and I both sigh and lean back on our chairs. Then, when I hear an explosion of some sort, I climb up to the driver's seat. 

"I am not sitting in here when that's happening," I say. I climb out and close the door behind me. Lydia starts to climb out, too. "No. Stay,"

"Are you serious?" She asks. 

"Someone has to be here when the cops come, and besides. I've got claws, Stiles had a bat, when you get a weapon, you can come, too," I say. I run the the same entrance as Scott and Stiles. I catch up to Stiles, only to see electricity absorbing into Kira. 

"What the hell...?" I say. After all the electricity is gone, Stiles turns to me. 

"I told you to stay in the car," He says. I flash my eyes. 

"Want to tell me again?" I ask. 

"Nope, I'm good," I smile and kiss him. He wraps an arm around me, but we both just kind of stare at Kira in disbelief. Well, after a brief and frustrating investigation, at the Sheriff's station, we all head home. I climb in bed that night, but I'm not asleep for long. A nightmare wakes me. It was more of flashbacks. Every single bad thing that had ever been said about me. And there was a lot. I was bullied for years. A lot of bad things happened, but I don't like to talk about it. I wake up, gasping and sweating. Scott comes in my room. I must've woken him up.

"You okay?" He asks. 

"I guess," I say. He sits on the foot of my bed. 


"Yeah," He gives a weak smile. 

"Why don't you call Stiles? Go over there?"

"He barely gets any good sleep anymore. I don't want to interrupt the very little he's getting," He smiles again. 

"Can you fall back asleep?"

"I can try," After a moment of silence, he speaks up again. 

"Why don't you sing?"


"That's always made you feel better," I shake my head. 

"I'm trying to give that up. You're the only person who's heard me sing, and I'd like to keep it that way," 

"Molly, your amazing. Sing," I take a deep breath and start singing.

"I can hold my breath. I can bite my tongue. I can stay awake for days, if that's what you want. Be your number one.

"I can fake a smile. I can force a laugh. I can dance and play the part if that's what you ask. Give you all I am.

"I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. 

"But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Words in my head, knifes in my heart, you build me and up and then I fall apart, cause I'm only human.

"I can turn it on. Be a good machine. I can hold the weight if that's what you need. Be your everything. 

"I can do it. I can do it. I'll get through it. 

"But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Words in my head, knifes in my heart, you build me and up and then I fall apart, cause I'm only human.  I'm only human. I'm only human. Just a little human! 

"I can take so much. Till I have enough.

"Cause I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Words in my head, knifes in my heart, you build me and up and I fall apart, cause I'm only human," 

I look at Scott once the song ended. He takes a deep breath. 

"Molly, did someone start saying things again? If someone did, just tell me. I'll beat them into a bloody pulp," He says. 

"No. But, that was the dream. Everything they ever said," He puts his arm around me and gives me a small hug. 

"None of it's true. Now. Call Stiles. You're sure to get better sleep when you're sleeping with him," 

A/N: I might actually 'cast' Christina Perri as Molly. She's how I pictured her (In this video at least, with just brown hair and no blonde) and even though she's not an actress, that's almost exactly how I wanted Molly to look. I know she's 28 and Molly's 16, but no one on the show is close to their age anyway, so yeah. 

Sneaking Past Scott - A Stiles StoryWhere stories live. Discover now