Training (Lemon Warning!)

Start from the beginning

I blushed even brighter and hit him, covering my hot face from his view. He cocked his head at me, confused. I back away and started towards the stairwell, to the safety of the living unit. "I'm going to go back and finish cooking and shadow box or something..." I looked at the bento box in his hand. "If you need more, there's plenty down there."

He reached out towards me, his eyes whispering his worry to me. "Nana..."

I brushed him off, scratching the back of my head and slowly heading down the stairs. "It's nothing, I'm fine. See you later!" I dashed down the stairs, leaving him in a cloud of mystery. It's not that I was mad at him or anything, but I was flustered and shy and embarrassed.

Piccolo made sure that both me and Gohan knew how to fight in hand-to-hand combat, especially for me because most of my attacks took a lot of energy to produce. -- "What if you can't use your energy one day? You need to know how to fight by hand. Knowing this can help you both in the battlefield," Piccolo's eyes met mine, "And in a social aspect." Gohan and I both nodded at each other and listened as Piccolo continued to train us.--

I started shadow boxing imaginary opponent. This person had white smooth skin, small red beady eyes, a black line that ran from the middle of the lower eyelid all the way down their cheek to the chin, purple adornments on the head, shoulders, chest and appendages, a long white lizard-like tail and small dark colored lips. I sent jabs upwards and blocked oncoming hits to my head, sending a few uppercuts into the person's stomach. I began thinking while continuing to shadowbox. I remember reading once that whenever you meet someone or see them, your brain stores their face in your mind; its how 'random people' appear in your dreams...and I've always been shadow boxing this person. I wonder if I've ever met them, like in real life. I am apparent a Pleiadian from Planet Erra or something, and who knows if I was even born on earth anymore...maybe I met this person as a baby on Planet Erra or something. I sent a kick high into the air and made contact with something hard, snapping back into reality.

"Ow!" I whimpered as I withdrew my leg and looked up to see Goku standing in front of me, a small red mark starting to appear on his cheek. I blushed immediately and bowed as he placed the empty bento box on the counter. "I am so sorry, Goku! I didn't mean to hit you! I didn't even sense you come down! I was so wrapped up in the music and the shadow boxing and--"

He cut me off and pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tightly. "You are so cute!!" He shrieked. I shook my head at his juvenile actions and hugged him back, vaguely aware of how sweaty we both were.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked as he pulled away to fill up on the mountain of food on the counter, that awaited him.

"Um, honestly yeah. It hurt more than I expected it to." He stated, as he gently brushed his hand up against the red mark across his cheek.

"You saying you think I'm weak?!" I growled, dropping into fighting stance.

He laughed and carried his mountainous plates to the table and began stuffing his face. "No, Nana, not at all. I know you're strong, I just didn't expect you to be training at full speed and full strength in the middle of the kitchen." I laughed, scratching the back of my head and imagining how foolish I must have looked, and sat on the bed, near the table as Goku ate a few feet from me. His eyes went back and forth from his food to me and he swallowed hard, looking at me with an intense yet curious gaze. "Have you eaten?" I shook my head. "Eat." He commanded.

"I, um, wanted to make sure you got enough, first."

"Nana, I'm not going to say it again." He cut his eyes at me, sending a shiver down my spine.

I sighed and grabbed something to eat, sitting across from him at the table. His eyes smiled and we carried on a normal conversation as his mood lightened as well.

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