First Impressions

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“Oh...Hey Goku.” He smiled warmly at me.

“Hi Nana.” He looked at Riku and Hanna. “Hi everyone else. Can I join you?” They nodded, speechless. He sat down next to me and smiled at Riku, who was across from him. Riku looked from me to Hanna and then to Goku.

“So you’re Nana’s boyfriend?”

He nodded. “If she still wants me.”

Hanna smiled and looked at Riku. “Told you he was real!”

Riku shook his head, laughing softly. “Wow...well hey,” He extended his hand and shook Goku’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Riku and that’s Hanna. We’re Nana’s friends.”

“Hi Riku and Hanna. I’m Goku.”

Hanna leaned in and I could immediately tell she was excited. Internally I groaned. “So, you’re married.” He nodded. “And you have a kid?” He smiled and nodded once again. “And you’re dating Nana?”

He nodded a bit unsured. “I am, I think. I just haven’t been able to see her lately.”

“Why?” Hanna and Riku blurted at the same time.

He sighed, obviously stressed. “There’s drama. Fights with Wifey, fights with friends, pending divorce and looming custody battle. Just drama. Plus Nana’s never really home.”

Riku let out an exaggerated sigh. “Tell me about it! She’s never home!”

Goku looked slightly disappointed and turned to me. “Are you with him too?”

I blushed red hot. “No! Riku has been my best friend since high school! He’s just constantly at my house!” Now I truly felt insulted.

Riku sighed and leaned forward and flashed a smile to Goku, once again extending his hand. “Hi, I’m Riku and I’m gay!”

Goku looked thoroughly surprised. “Oh, I didn’t know.”

“How could you not?? I’m dressed fabulously!”

“You look like any other guy to me.”

“That’s the point. I’m your average, stereotypical asian dude but I like boys! Only difference!”

Goku nodded, seemingly confused. “Sorry Nana.”

I glared. “Just cuz you’re cheating doesn’t mean everyone else is.”

“That’s a little harsh!” Hanna snapped as Goku sighed.

“Well I’m not in a great mood…”

I noticed he was playing with the rose that was in his hands. “I’m sorry, here, this is for you.” He whispered as he gently placed the rose in front of me. “I’m just cautious. I want only you and I want you to only want me. I didn’t know Riku is just a friend. I’m sorry, I got jealous.”

I felt myself blush. Riku ‘aww’ed and Hanna eyed me. “If you don’t kiss him, I will.”

Goku smiled and shook his head. “No thanks, I only want---”

I leaned over and kissed him softly. He blushed and we broke quickly.

I glanced over at my friends. “Whoa...That was hot!” Hanna exclaimed.

“Did you feel the electricity there just now?” Riku laughed.

I blushed as their voices faded into the backdrop. Goku’s gentle hand on my chin led me back to his deep onyx eyes. “I’ve missed you.” He whispered as he kissed my forehead. I nodded as words failed me.

Hanna and Riku questioned him and after some time, we all decided to go back to my house.

Hanna lived with her sister, which was close to her college and to the Police Station. Riku lived with another male roommate and two girl roommates in a 4 bedroom house, close to the park. Riku was the closest to me.

For a while we just hung out and watched TV. Goku sat next to me, his arm around me again.

Hanna and Riku left around 6, claiming they had other things to do. I hugged them as they left. Riku and Hanna both giggled as I lovingly hit Riku for making a sexual joke about me going to “do” my “thang”. I laughed along and told them both I would see them at class tomorrow.

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