Chapter TWELVE

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"Put your hands uup where I can see them," the drawled American voice commanded. I placed my hands up instantly. I didn't want to die straight away and I was sure it had some humanity. The dragon man was not completely happy about being caught by a complete stranger but complied to the gunslingers commands. The air around the dragon man simmered red in anger. I took a step away from him. I knew what anger and rage could do.

I licked my dry, cracked lips that stung. My skin a sickly yellow as it deneutriated. Slowly I fell to my knees, too tired to stand. I struggled to keep my hands up. My arms screamed to be put down but I knew if I did I would die.

I could just hear the soft footfalls against the red dirt because my ears ached from the wind. I looked up as the dizzy spells hit me hard.

Standing before me was a tall, tanned woman. I could have described her as an Egyptian Goddess had we been in Egypt. She wore a huge dusty, black ten-gallon hat which hid the left side of her face. She had long dark brown hair that was knotted and wild. Her dark eyebrows were arched and her eyes were sharp and the brightest blue I had ever seen. Almost inhuman.

The gunslinger wore a long brown leather coat that was covered in dust and dirt.

She looked down at me trying to figure out what I was or who I was. Her fingerless leather gloved hands were placed in her coat but I could tell she was hoping to shoot me. The unfriendly look I was given all but said I wasn't welcome.

"Well, you definitely aren't undead but you are dead. You don't have bite marks on any of the places your big arteries are. You aren't trying to kill me, and I can smell fear from you. You can come with me to the closest town but after that you must leave. If I had my way you'd be dead or fending off the dead tourself. I am amused they let you come this far.aybe their playing with you," the gunslinger pondered before turning around and walking back from where she was.

The dragon man stood and walked to me. He lifted my left arm and swung it over his shoulder, lifting me up and allowing me to lean on him as we walked slowly after the gunslinger.

Yonder: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now