Chapter Four

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It took many hours of floating before I reached a footpath, and although I was not tired or thirsty; I was very hungry. My curiousity suddenlt piqued as I wondered to myself. What do invisible people eat? I knew I could not touch anything. Did i eat particles in the air? I opened my mouth but nothing happened. Looking around me, I found a sign to a town two kilometers up the road. It was called Nyah.

"N-y-ah," I worded. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of my family as another memory replayed before me and then destroyed itself. Leaving me another gaping hole with nothing to fill it. Another piece of my life taken away. What I could take from it was that my family had once lived here. Who they were and where they were had been stollen from me.

The emotions clawed altogether, grasping straws to see who would win a fight to control me. I felt locked upand all of a sudden claustrophobic. I breathed quickly almost wheezing. I stumbled to the ground.

"I need to get out of here," I whispered. The amount of emotions trying to take control all but shook me as my mind raced to find an answer behind the madness.

The raw emotions had built up so fast that one evaded them all. This emotion was dark, it was untamed, it was like a raging bull charging forward; it bubbled and built up until I took it and let it overcome me. The emotion was rage or anger and I had encountered it once before.

My eyebrows knitted together furrowing,  my colourful transparent skin now glinting red. I screamed as the rage entered my blood stream; burning a path into me as it went. The tears fell through me in my agonizing fits of rage. I could not control it and at some point, I did not want to control it. Then click, it all stopped.  The lights of a drivers vehicle slowing down became visible.  The driver opened his door and telled over his cars engine, "Are you alright ma'am?"

I looked at him stunned. Was he talking to me? I looked left and I looked right. When I realized there was no-one else around I knew that he could see me. I squealed to myself and used my hands to cover my unconcealed body.

"I...I am fine. I need to ask a question," I called back awkwardly.

I watched as the man disappeared back into the vehicle and listened as the motor noises stopped before the man re-appeared.

"What question were you going to ask? he said, no longer yelling.

"I was going to ask if I could be taken to the next town from Nyah in your vehicle?" I asked calmly. I honestly did not trust the vehicle. After all, I died by being run over. I just couldn't stand them. In my opinion there were a square steel death trap that was closed in with wheels and not my cup of tea.

"Im heading to Melbourne, four hours away, in the city. I can get you to the next town. No problem," he nodded.

I walked to his car, shivering as the air grew cooler, and still covering myself up with only my hands. The man, seeing this, walked around the car and stopped in front of me.

"But first, I'm seeing a problem. We need to get some clothes on you. You'll freeze in this weather especially with minus temperatures. Let me see what I can get you," the man said outright. I thanked himfor his kindness and before long was clothed head to toe in mens warm clothes and in the car driven by the man.

The man wore a grey shirt with black pants. He bore no signs of old age and had short brown hair and bright green eyes.

The music playing from the compartment was annoying and repetitive to my ears. The man however seemed to enjoy this music. I watched from the corner of my eyes as he moved his head up and down to the beat of the droning music. Halfway through the drive did the man bother to turn down the music.

"I didn't catch your name," he hinted. As if it would make me answer. In all honesty, for all I knew, I had no name. The name I once had I could no longer remember. Another memory taken away.

"Helloooo, anyone in there," the man pestered, waving his free hand in front of me as to get my attention. I snapped out of it. My mind giving me a clear answer.

"You can call me Missy," I lied, going along with the name my mind gave me.

"Missy," the man said slowly, smirking. It was as if something clicked when I had said that name.

"You wouldn't know a Darrell by chance, Missy?" he questioned. I shook my head. Trying to minimalise all contact with the man.

"No? Okay. You see, there is a man named Darrell I know and he owes me a lot of money. His daughter; who just happens to go by the same name and look exactly like you is the key to getting my money. So again, I am going to ask. Are you sure you aren't that Missy that I've been looking for?"

Again, I shook my head. I could not understand why he was saying I looked like this Missy character.I did not understand why I was not invisible. This man shouldn't be able to see me.

I was in trouble, I could see that much but I had no clue as to how to get out of such a predicament. I'd never been kidnapped before nor did I want to be kidnapped.

"I AM NOT the Missy you are after, " I stated coldly.

"please, no other Missy could pull off looking like Barbie except the model named Missy. Darrell's daughter," he remarked angrily.

"I AM NOT a model!" I argued back. I could feel the rage in my veins begin to bubble. I realized I needed to get out right now. I was a danger to this crazy man.

"Stop the car!" I commanded.

"No," he said, speeding up. My eyebrows furrowed and I watched as my skin began to glint red. Oh no!

"Then I will get out myself!" I yelled. Before he could lock the doors, I flung mine open and watched as the wind on both sides of the door ripped it off its hinges. I unbuckled my seatbelt and with no hesitation jumped.

Yonder: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now