Chapter 6

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He had been with his beloved for only minutes when he was beckoned back to the command station as he was the commander of the Yonderian Fighters. He was known as the 'Dragon King' to the Yonderians he taught day and night how to fight. His beloved his dragon queen.

Today, the colour of her scales and skin was a sheen of gold, her eyes painted an aztec blue. She reminded him of a true Queen. A Queen of war.

When the knock was heard, he groaned sadly. One day, he thought, one day he'd be able to spend more time with his soon to be mate.

"What is that groan for, my love? When they call, we answer. That is the way of things. Always has and always will be," she said clearly in a gutteral voice.

"I know. I know. But if this continues, they will not have a future commander or trainer of fighters. I will die, you will die, and with no child to be had, they too will die. I want you. I want a child with you. I want a future with you," he answered angrily, as he held her scaly hands within his.

"And so do I, but we work with our people as will our children and their children. It is an honor to work as a hierarchy or to be called commanderof the Yonderian Fighters. You should be proud," she smiled, slowly moving forward to kiss him tenderly on the lips but accidentally nipping him with her sharp fangs instead.

"Now go," she commanded. Sadly, he nodded and turned away from his beloved for a second time. Grumbling, he followed the messenger otherwise known as one of the Crow Men. The Crown Men were used only in emergencies.

"What is the emergency?" He growled at the Crow Man. The Crow man was half crow and half man, as the name says. They were covered in black ebony feathers, had sharp crow like features, and were always alert. The Crow Men were only used for emergency messages because they were strong fliers; trained, if ever they were captured to take every amount of pain given to them.

"It is no business to know. Station One beckons you, my lord," the Crow Man bowed as they reached Station One. Clawing open the door, he nodded back to the Crow Man who bid him farewell before leaving.

Once he was sure the Crow Man had left, he shut the door. He knew what the reason for him being here was. He knew it was about the new Yonderian Fighter Patient. The one he had granted freedom and independence. Someday, he knew it'd bite him in the ass. Today was that day.

"What is the problem doctor?" The Yonderian Commanded questioned.

"You told me to keep an eye on the patient," The Yonderian Doctor reminded.

"Yes I did," the Yonderian Commander confirmed as he leaned himself against the doctors chair.

"Well, we have had another malfunction. She went offline for almost an hour and then she came back online with a new level. She re-appeared online hald dead too..." the Yonderian Doctor cut off. The Yonderian Commander raised one sharp scaly eyebrow in surprise.

"How is this happening? This technology should not have lost her! Fix it! Immediately!" The Yonderian Commander ordered.

"Right away, my load," the doctor squeaked.

"What level is she on anyway?" The Yonderian Commander asked. He was curious to know what level his newest Yonderian Fighter was on. The Doctor tapped at the keyboard with his mousy hands.

"She is at level for now, my lord," The Doctor informed.

The Yonderian Commander stood and walked to the armoury on the left side of the doctor's station and grabbed his armour.

"May I ask what you are doing, my lord?" The Doctor asked as he watched the dragon king put more armour over his already armourd skin.

"I am goin to retrieve the new Yonderian Fighter," The Commander answered. Tying his plated scales together.

"And just how are you going to do that? You haven't been out in the field in years. Besides, she is too dangerous. Leave this job to the retrievers to do. This is their job," The doctor argued.

"She is my responsibility. The rest of the Kings and Queens have made it so. I either retrieve and train heror they murder her. Which would you have me choose?" The Commander growled defiantly.

"I would hate to see such a fast learner who has the ability to be a great fighter in our cause go to waste. Especially when the time is so close to claim our new home," The Doctor pondered.

"Indeed, it is. Keep me informed of her whereabouts. I am worried the Kings and Queens may have already sent someone to kill her," The Commander mummbled.

As the Yonderian Commander left, he thought about what his future mate had said earlier. He was the Kings and Queens only hope of survival in this world known as Earth. And even though they took it for granted, he thought, they were his people. He wondered what or how his new fighter would feel about fighting her own kind in the future. He wondered if it'd be like him pondering on betraying his own people. He knew suddenly that his decision for giving her independence and freedom might very well backfire or have dire consequences.

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