Chapter 1: The beginning

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Everyone thinks they know my story ,the story of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling. The story of a nice little girl ,who lives in a nice house ,with two nice little brothers and two loving parents.
Well lets just say ,that's not true. At. All. And the nice boy who never wants to grow up ,isn't so nice. And the mean ugly pirate ,isn't so mean. And I'm not as fragile as I look.

So lets just start from the beginning ,the very beginning.

I once was loved, I once had a picture perfect life. Once. Mom would read my favorite bedtime story and Dad would kiss me goodnight. The next day I would wake up and eat breakfast with them, they would go to work and I would stay with my nanny.

They would come home and tell me about being a doctors, eat dinner with me, ask about my day. We would laugh and have a good time, on the weekend we would go to the zoo or park. We were a perfect family. Once.

I was only five when there was a knock at the door, I ran to it expecting my parents. It was the police. I stood in front of the officer and he looked at me confused then a look of sadness clearly spread across his face. At the time, I didn't realize the sad realization he had just made.

He kneeled down to me, he had a mustache and a big, slightly pink nose and hard brown eyes. "Is there an adult I can speak with, sweetie?" He seemed nice. I nodded.

"Is there something wrong officer?" I heard my nanny speak behind me. I kept my eyes on the officer. He looked over my shoulder and stood up. Officer John Brook., I read his badge.

I turned around to see my nanny Francine, her eyebrow arched in worry and confusion. She had black hair and brown eyes and freckles sprinkled over her nose, she was pale and never wore makeup.

He sighed. "Umm, can we speak in private?" By his tone I could tell this wasn't good news. Her facial expression hadn't change.

"Yes, of course. You can sit if you want." She pointed to the living area.

"No ma'am ,that's ok." He seemed agitated. "Ok ,umm ,Wendy can you go to your room for a moment." I was still looking at the officer ,there was something about him that didn't seem right.

I looked at my nanny. Her face was soft as always. But I didn't want to go. "No ,I want to know the news too." I said challenging her with my now narrowed eyes.

She sighed. "Wendy ,now. I'll tell you the news ,don't worry." She said cupping my face. I hated when she did that. I snatched my face out of her hands and ran upstairs. I heard another sigh come from her lips.

Don't worry? How could I do that when that officer was walking around like he had seen a ghost? I mean come on? I swear sometimes my nanny was a pain in my butt ,I just couldn't wait for my parents to get home ,it was pretty late.

They went to some award thing for doctor stuff ,or something. My Mom and Dad were getting awards ,and they had dressed super nice. My mom looked like a princess. No, a queen.

It had seemed like forever in my room ,playing dolls ,dressing them up, marrying them off, drama. Then I got an idea ,I would read my favorite book. I stood up to walk over to my book shelf across the light pink room. Then there was a knock at my door. I jumped ,not expecting it.

"Yes!" I shouted.

My nanny stood at the door. Her face was blotchy ,cheeks wet and eyes red. She had been crying.

"What's wrong ,Francine." I said worried. This news was not good.

"Sit down Wendy I have to tell you something." She said sitting on my bed.

"What's happened ,is the officer still here ,what's the news?" I say sitting next to hef, confusion running through me like a waterfall, still looking at her. She grabs both of my hands and looks into my eyes with sadness. Fear went through my body ,I had never seen my nanny cry. She was strong. Adult. Adults don't cry.

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