"Who's the friend?" He asks.

"Just the girl at the front desk,"  I lie. If I said Justin, they may get suspicious.  Especially since I told my dad he was my boss

Mom smiles, "that's great, honey. I'm glad you're making work friends."

I take my plate to my kitchen before going up to my room. I open the door and almost scream.

"Miss me?"

I place a hand over my heart and quickly shut and lock my door. 

"Brian, what the hell are you doing here?" I squeal and jump into his arms. He swings me around causing me to giggle quietly.

He puts me down and puts a finger to his lips, signalling for me to be quiet.  "I'm down here for a week and I thought I'd come by to see you."

Brian was my absolute best friend throughout grade ten and eleven.  He moved to Mississauga in grade twelve but we've stayed in contact.  We had so much in common, and he was just that friend who made you laugh no matter what situation.

"I missed you," I coo and he squeezes me close once again.

"I've missed you too, pumpkin." He pinches my arm.

"Shut up with that 'pumpkin' shit." I tease him, giving his stomach a good hit.

We both laugh and get into my bed after I made sure my door was locked.  "Where did you tell your parents you were staying?" I ask.  Brian's parents didn't dislike me, but they didn't enjoy me spending countless hours at their house.

"Old friend's house, so technically I wasn't lying," he chuckles. I shake my head, my parents would never let me sleep over somewhere without giving them specific details.

"I got a job," I whisper and he gasps.

"What?  Who the fuck would hire your useless ass?"

"Do I have a lot to fill you in on." I laugh and he eagerly nods.

"Tell me, you worthless loser."

I spill everything and his eyes get wider at every sentence. By the end, his jaw has dropped, but he's also laughing.  I suppose once I said some of the things out loud, it dawned on me how odd they were.

"That guy is fucking psycho!  Get away from him, Ali!"  He shakes his head.

"There's nothing that crazy..." I trial off.

"Are you joking?  Allison, babe, I'm just trying to keep you safe." He opens his arms and I crawl into them.  "You need to be with someone who treats you like a queen, not a bloody servant."

I sigh and lay my head on Brian's chest.  "Anyways, what about you? Any girls?"

"Nope, everyone at my old high school sucked. Although, I do have my eye on someone.  She's a lot younger so I'm not sure she'd be into a graduate."  Brian was a player throughout grade ten and eleven.  Twelve was finally when he started settling down, trying to find one girl.

"That's too bad," I yawn, not really paying attention due to my tiredness.

He strokes my hair, "Get some sleep."

I set my alarm for eight thirty and get back into bed with Brian. He pulls me close by my waist and digs his head into my neck like he always used to.

"I seriously missed you, like a little too much," I say.

"Me too, Ali," he murmurs.  I sigh contently and close my eyes, letting sleep consume me.

* * *

The Jewelry Box ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now