"I was kinda hoping your shopping offer still stood." I say nervously as Justin clears his throat nodding.

"Y-yeah, uh, I need to call Scooter and say that I won't be able to me-"

"Don't tell anybody," I blurt out as Justin looks at me his shoulders slumping a little. "I-i know I have but..."I shake my head as if to say 'please no'.

"Whatever, yeah." Justin sighs as I puff out a breath. Telling people is different for Justin he's... known, I'm not. Even though I have told people I only told Mom, Kiara and I guess Alex. Everyone else who knows has been told by Kia and her big ass mouth.

I can almost sense Justin's annoyance. He knows this is unfair as much as I do, I'm being unfair and I'm not sure I feel bad? I'm a bad person. Justin huffs and stands up heading to the bathroom as I begin to put my makeup on.

Maybe shopping isn't a good idea, my doctor said not to over-do things and rest as much as possible or I'll end up ridiculously sick again. I really don't want that.

I shake my head, taking the dress off and pulling on some shorts on that used to fit and now...well, don't really. I also find a long white shirt and pulled that on. Just as I pull on my Adidas trainers Justin comes out the shower, a towel draped loosely around his hips, showing off the toned V of his torso and another in his hairs high was dripping water droplets onto his skin.

"U-Uhm were gonna go and see Nala." I announce making Justin look at me confused. "We can go shopping another time right? I just..."

"Who's Nala?" Justin blurts out making me smile at him excitedly.

"You'll see." I grin tying the front of my hair up into a messy bun. "Wear something cool though."

Within twenty minutes we were in the car heading towards the zoo whilst Justin repeatedly asked where we were going.I feel like he didn't like suprises, that and he always seemed to be in control of everything he did. This is something new for him.

"We're going to the zoo?" Justin asks his eyebrows furrowed but eyes slightly nod.

"Kinda," I answer biting my lips and smiling shyly at him.

I would probably have the same look as Justin if I didn't know why we were here. I'd ended up visiting here when I was asked a couple of months ago to do some photography for like a Dubai Tourist magazine. When I was shooting some of the lions they were keeping here, Craig (the guy who's basically in charge) asked me if I wanted to see one of the baby lions. Nala was tiny then and since I'd visited her like once a month.

I want her to live with me, like I'm serious and that actually happens here but the apartment building wouldn't let me have a lion. Something about health and safety apparently. That and I'm not sure if I love the idea of an adult lion living with me.


Justin followed me as I waved at Craig who was waiting for us at the entrance to the zoo. I tried my best to ignore the sweltering heat that seemed to almost swallow me up whilst we walked through the staff area of the zoo. I held onto Justin's hand, pulling him along as he looked at the animals we were walking past, my other hand tightly gripping my camera.

"I'll just leave you guys for half an hour then come back okay?" Craig asked as I nodded whilst he unlocked the gate to let us in. "Tell anybody and I'll lose my job so please... don't okay?" He asked as I nodded quickly. "If anything happens call me."

"Okay, thanks." I mumble biting my lip and dragging Justin inside behind me. I'm mad, I know.

"I really don't know if this is safe." Justin says taking a seat on the ground beside me his eyebrow furrowed a little. "Especially considering..." He trails off as I shake my head.

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