Chapter 1: Run With You (Parts 1 to 3 of 8)

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There was a moment while running when everything reduced down to muscle and sinew and the relentless pounding of feet. In that moment, the world fell away. Mind and spirit grew light and burdens disappeared, until it felt like she was soaring high above herself.

The feeling was addictive.  Amy couldn't imagine starting the day without a run.

"I'm thinking we should go for twelve miles today." Stepping out of the bathroom, she spoke too loudly, calling out across the room while tying her hair back in a ponytail.

"Damn, girl." Katie glanced up from her stretching. Irritation was on her voice and in her eyes. "I'm already struggling to keep up."

"You're the one who wanted to train with me."

"Well, that was before I found out you were Super Girl. You're killing me here."

She gave Katie a big grin as she set up across from her and mirrored the side to side lunges her friend was doing. Amy really didn't need to loosen up the muscles on her inner thighs. She didn't need to limber up any of her muscles. Unlike Katie, she was always ready run. Sometimes it felt as though she could leap out of bed in the middle of the night straight into a sprint.

"How about we meet in the middle at eleven?" Amy suggested.

The frown only deepened on Katie's face and Amy's smile turned into a giggle. Through her hazel eyes the other girl was sending her a secret message which undercut her irritation. Katie was overly melodramatic about everything but after all the time they had spent together, Amy had learned the hidden wavelength that carried her real meaning and emotions. In their private, silent language, Amy sensed the pride her friend was feeling. Whatever discomfort it might mean, she was happy that Amy was finally the one suggesting an extension of the workout.

"Fine." Katie switched to her arm swings. "But no gloating when you have picked me up off the floor."

"Speaking of picking-up: how did things go with Ryan?" The end of the question was lost in a high pitched squeal as Amy was unable to control her excitement or the pleasure she felt with her teasing. She had spent all of yesterday morning bugging Katie about asking this guy  out, and she had been just waiting for an opening to start needling her about it and find out how the date went.

Of course, Katie hadn't really picked-up Ryan. She was too shy to do more than make eyes at him for the past month. Amy couldn't understand her. When they were together Katie was as confident as a mountain lion but around men, she was as skittish as a deer. But that only made the teasing more tempting.

Katie threw back her head and shook it. "Oh, don't bring that up."

"What happened? Now you have to tell me."

"Long story short: he showed up wearing a Spiderman T-shirt."


"So, I want someone who's sophisticated."

"You were grabbing a cup of coffee not going to the opera. Sounds to me like you're just looking for an excuse not to like him, so you don't risk getting hurt."

"Look who's the little psychoanalyst. Mrs. Tan would be proud. Can we just drop it and run." Katie grabbed the remote and switched the music on.

"Taylor Swift again?"

Katie stepped onto the treadmill and punched the new program in, while Amy did the same beside her.

"I love this album," Katie said.

"We know," a voice crackled over the loudspeaker. "If you don't give it a rest, I might have to accidentally erase it from the library."

"Hey, Emily." Amy lifted her head to address the speaker in the ceiling, even though she knew the woman was sitting just on the other side of the vanity mirror in front of her. "Glad to have you with us this morning. Too bad there are only two machines or you could join us."

The Things We Bury - Part 2: No Big Apocalypse [Completed]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu