Chapter Twenty-One

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My mind awoke from the sound of shuffling sound of a printer and the giggling of little school girls. I let out a sigh as I snuggled closer to my bed.


Since when did beds chuckle and run fingers through your hair? "Morning Sunshine." I groaned and snuggled closer into the newly found chest. "What are those idiots doing?" I asked when the giggling got louder.

"I don't know. I'm sure that you can handle it." I let out a low growl before sitting up. "Fine." Standing up I walked into the office and leaned against the door.

"What. Are. You. Idiots. Doing." I gritted between teeth dangerously leaning forward. "N-nothing!" Sam replied being the weak link I know. "Really?" I smiled in a cheery sending chills down their spines. "Y-y-yes!" Masoch squeaked out thrying to hide behind Nate.

"Hmmm..." I hummed as I walked to the printer grabbing the picture. "W-what is this!" A snicker came from Tom as I blushed bright red even though I was trying to not to.

"What's goin on?" Zachary walked in leaning against the door frame. "I-we-uh, umm uh." I toned out looking at the picture. I can't believe I fell asleep on him. When did we fall asleep?

The picture was then taken away from me as Zachary analyzed it. "Tom." He spoke calmly as the said man slowly handed him a picture frame that had the same exact picture in it. "Destroy them all." With that he grabbed the picture and walked towards his room.Taking my chance I walked out the room myself to get changed and get a shower.

After I finished I walked out to make breakfast. As I walking into the living area I was greeted with the smell of pancakes.

Irritated, I walked into the kitchen to see Zachary dressed casually with his hair flopping over his face. It was weird not seeing it slicked back, but it still looked good. "Hey there sunshine! Better now?" I let out a sigh and did a so-so motion with my hand. "Not until I eat. Speaking of food... why are you doing my job?"

He set the spatula down and walked towards me. I unconsciously walked backwards until my back hit the wall. "Well sushine, I'm doing your job because I want to." With that I was pinned against the wall, hands above my head.

"Got a problem with that?" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back. "N-no." Stuttering I tried to wiggle free to no avail. "Where ya goin' cupcake?" I let out a little chuckle.

"So I went from sunshine to cupcake. Thaannnnkkkssss." I dragged out thying to climb over his arm. I almost had it. Keyword: ALMOST.

When I was halfway over he pulled me to his chest breathing in my scent. "I'm gonna call whatever I feel like calling you. And you're gonna like it." Is he like this with evey girl?

"That's great really, but uh, I'd like to keep my name please." He looked at me from the side if my face and loosened his grip on me. In most cases I would take the opportunity to run away, in this case I was too lazy to move.

He rested his head on my shoulder and slowly sat on the counter, with me in tow. So yes, I was sitting in his lap on a counter with him smelling my hair. Nothing weird about that. Nothing at all.

Sighing I leaned back into his chest, much to his pleasure going by the arms that became even tighter. A sigh if content escaped my lips as I snuggled closer into the warm chest.

Is this the life that I want? No. This is the life that I need. I'm happy, that's what's important. Even if Papa found me, I'd refuse to go. Right? I mean Sofia will be fine since she has Rodrego. Which means that the arranged marriage is off. So, what now? I can't just run away from everything.

"The pancakes are going to burn." I stated jumping free of his grasp. "I know." Sliding off he went and took the pancake off, making the next one.

I walked out and sat on the couch with the others happily watching the television. Before long the door to the kitchen opened and out came Zachary with a plate piled high with pancakes. Before I could register what happened everyone jumped up and sat at the table.

"Thanks." I dully said to those people *cough* Tom *Cough* Masoch *cough* who knocked me over. I took my seat by Zachary as usual, the chair that was out if order, and happily took my share of pancakes. My share meaning whatever was left.

"Wanna join in on the next meeting?" The question surprised me to say the least. Quickly I nodded my head taking any chance I had to get out of this hell hole. Don't get me wrong, I love this place, but being stuck here, alone, for two to four hours with nothing but he television to keep you company is absolutely and utterly boring.

You know when your young and your parents leave for a few hours, all your friends are busy, the internet is out, your phone was taken away for the week and all you have is the television. Thsn for whatever reason they take longer then expected and you brain starts to rot away. Yep, that's what it feels like.

"Yes please! It is sooooo boring around here otherwise!" I exclaim taking up the opportunity as quickly and efficently as possible. "Okay. Anyway as long as you don't do anything stupid again I don't mind." Finally!

"Thank you." I finished eating and stood up, taking my plate to the kitchen and dumping it in the sink. "Masoch! Your turn to do the dishes!" Going by the groan of displeasure he was hoping that I'd forget. Oh well.

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