Chapter One

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~~12 years later~~

I woke up in the morning with the sun shining in my eyes. "Ah shit!" I yelled while jumping out of bed. I immediately ran into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth since I was running late, completely skipping my usual shower.

When I was sure I was presentable enough, I pulled on the black dress that served as my uniform. While the style and expectations have changed over the years, everything else remained the same.

I grabbed the nearest heels- which were luckily black- and my leather jacket that hid my gun. On my way out the room I grabbed my hat, which had become my signature look over the years.

"Laurel!" Sophia yelled from down the hall rushing towards me. 

"Sophia!" I hugged her as she grabbed my arm and began to run down the halls. I was surprised she had come sooner, banging on my door to get me up and out on time.

"You're gonna be late!" She yelled as we rushed down the stairs, "I told you to replace that alarm clock! It probably died on you, AGAIN!" As we turned the final corner to the front entryway of our home, we silenced ourselves. My parents didn't like tardiness.

"Mama, Papa." I said respectfully bowing my head as I reached them.

"You barely made it." My Father said as he began to walk. Sophia stood next to me and gave me a reassuring nod before walking to her own father.

Sophia has been my friend since, forever. Her father is a highly respected mobster, and highly valued to us. While her mother divorced her way out of our affiliation, Sophia stayed to be with me. 

I fixed my hat as I walked out the door behind my parents. I was now a 26 year old woman that lives with her parents and has no boyfriend, only one friend, and wouldn't know what a party was if I attended one. My life is pretty pathetic.

We got into the car that took us into town with a silence that was so deafening it hurt.

When we made it into town I got into position, the same spot I've been standing in for 12 long years. I sighed and looked around with nothing better to do than exist. As we walked I could feel the pressure around me. I had a sinking suspicion that I knew what this meeting was about. While I hoped it was just me overthinking things again, I doubted the true intentions my parents held. 

We stopped in front of a large building and I followed behind my parents as they entered the inside. Multiple men were standing around doing whatever, but instead of going up to them we turned left towards the underground staircase.

We walked down the stairs silently with only the clacking of feet to keep us alert to our surroundings. Entering the basement was none other than the Rodriguez, our close friends.

The leader of the group Mario, was a close friend to my father and still is. He and his wife Taressa, have a son my age, Rodrego. Rodrego has always tried to flirt with me and I resented him for it. It was a foreign subject to me, but Rodrego seemed to be completely aware of what he was doing when it came to women.

"Laurel. How nice to see you again." Rodrego said as he kissed the back of my hand. I rolled my eyes as I went over next to my parents. One of the few changes; I no longer stood behind a wall of men. I could defend myself pretty well, with or without someone else's help.

"Laurel, Mario and I have been talking..." my father began emotionless as he stared at my Mother who seemed uncomfortable with the situation."We think that you and Rodrego would make a good couple." My eyes widened in mock surprise as I turned to my Father. 

"No. I refuse."

He looked at me in bewilderment before narrowing his eyes at me. "You don't have a choice." He said turning away from me.

"But, give me a chance, I can-" cutting me off my Father turned to me and came face to face with me. 

"You listen to me. I gave you everything you have now and this is how you repay me?"

I looked down holding in my tears. It's against the rules. Everything revolved around the rules. Everything. I never got any choice. I never had any freedom. Well, now it's gone too far. It's time for me to choose where to take my life, and the wife of Rodrego wasn't going to cut it. I put on my emotionless mask and turned to my father and began to walk away.

"Laurel. Don't you dare." He warned darkly as I began to walk up the stairs. I ignored him and continued up.

Two "guards" came up to stop me, but I simply kicked one in the stomach and used his pressure point against him and kicked the other in the groin.

I walked out the building and went down the alley in between this building and the one next to it. Dodging trashcans and dumpsters I made my way along the back allies of Rome, ignoring all the cutesy couples who were making out here and there.

After a while I knew I needed to head back but I just kept walking. "Are you sure that this is everything?" I heard a man's voice say with a Russian accent.

"Yes, I wouldn't kid around with something like this now would I?" I heard a husky voice say with a deep Italian accent. Why are they speaking in English?

As a mobster-in-training I was taught as many languages as possible. Most of the time I was a translator for different deals to prove my "worthiness."

I tiptoed towards the corner and peeked to see a mafia deal. I recognized the leader of a Russian group along with a young Italian mobster who took charge recently.

The Italian group opened a case filled with guns and a second one filled with drugs. Crap, they mean business. I thought to back away and pretend to have not seen anything, but my foot landed on the tail of a cat. I cringed at its pained meow as it hissed and scampered off.

The leader of the Russian group picked up one of the guns and took the safety lock off. He pointed it in my direction and aimed in my general direction.

"Come out girl." He said just loud enough for me to hear. I slowly came out from my hiding spot. He kept the gun up and looked me over.

He smiled evilly as his finger closed in to the trigger. My breathing hitched in my throat as I looked him straight in the eyes. Just a fraction more, and I'll have a bullet in my head.

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