Chapter Eight

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He carried me all the way out the building and into the car. I had finally been able to move my gaze off of my hands and onto the seatbelt as I slowely buckled myself in.

I couldn't look up from the side window. We hadn't even started moving yet. Zachary went around and got in his seat. He didn't buckle up, he just sat there.

"I have a feeling that you're not telling me something." He said quietly since we were the only ones there. "My business is my business." I replied coldly not shifting my gaze in the slightest.

"I'm just trying to help." He said as he reached for his seat belt buckle. "I don't need your help." I said angrily as I shifted my gaze to him my attitude flaring.

He stop what he was doing and turned to me. His nostrils flared in anger as he grabbed my chin. "Listen princess, you may be a woman but without me, in this part of town, you'll be dead in seconds. What you did back there was stupid." He said causing me to be even angrier.

"Well at least I saved your butt so we're even now, no?" I yelled unbuckling myself. "No we're not." I reached for the door handle and pushed it open. "Laurel you get back int his car right now." He yelled back as I stepped out.

"You said that I couldn't survive? Watch me!" I yelled as I slammed the door shut and started storming off. I heard his door open and close and angry footsteps heading towards me.

"Laurel I swear to God you're going to get yourself killed." He said getting closer to me. "Why do you care sir!" I knew I was being overly dramatic but girls do that when angry and hurt at once.

He grabbed my arm right above my elbow and turned me around. "Don't touch me!" I screamed backing away from him and turning to run. I had a head start so I was able to get some distance but he still caught up to me.

Wrapping his arms around me to stop me from running he said one last time, "Get in the car." I struggled with all I could but it was no use. "Face it Laurel, I'm stronger and faster than you." He said as I started to calm down.

"I hope you don't want kids." Before he could react I kicked him where the sun don't shine causing him to let me go and crouch onto the ground in pain. "Sorry." I said quietly as I jogged of slowly turning into a sprint.

After a few minutes of running I slowed down since I was lost and out of breath. Men and women gave me strange looks as I passed by, I mean it's not everyday that a woman running around Rome by herself you know?

Looking around I noticed that it was starting to get late and cold out. I rubbed my arms as I continued walking around avoiding the eyes of strange men and stepping out the way of couples kissing.

Learning my lesson I decided to not get around through the alleys and instead stay in crowded areas. The sun began to set as I weaved my way around a crowd and found a bench to sit on.

I wasn't used to being in crowds by myself. Only once on my life was I alone after I got seperated from everyone else and that was the day I almost got kidnapped.

Some time went by as I watched different people walk by. Some couples, families, tourist and residents, every now and then I'd see a person by themselves, walking quickly to most likely get home to their families. But I sat there. By myself, perfectly content.

I hadn't known how much time had past until the late night couples started to show up and the sun had totally vanished. It had to be at least ten o'clock at night by this point so only adult couples and some teenagers that obviously snuck out of their homes showed up.

In all my time sitting there I was surprised that I hadn't seen a single mafia person that I recognized. It felt weird to be like this. I felt like the missing link, the one that doesn't belong.

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