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    There was once a young queen who was pregnant with a baby girl. She was very sick, and worried she would not make it through child birth. Afraid she would never know what her baby would look like, she sat down to preform a enchantment in which she could create her daughters looks.

     It was snowing that day, her favourite weather, and the snow was the inspiration for her daughter's beauty, as was the window of black ebony in which she looked out of. She took a sharp needle, stuck her hand out the window, and pricked her finger, letting three glistening drops land on the snow.

    "Let my daughter's skin be as white as the snow, her hair as black as the ebony frame, and her cheeks as rosy red as her mothers blood."  the young queen spoke. Then she sat back, satisfied.

    A week later the baby was born, looking exactly as her mother had said. The young Queen looked down at her daughter, let out a content sigh, and died.

    The King took the baby from her arms, unable to hide his tears. They were a strange sort of tears, tears of light happiness mixed with dark sorrow.

    It took a weak to name his daughter. One day as he was holding her, it came to him. "Snowdrop." he said. "That shall be your name, little one. For you are as white and small like a drop of snow, snow your mother so loved."

    The baby Princess smiled. And for a moment, the sorrow left the King and his happiness overcame him. For he loved his daughter as much as he had loved his wife.

    Though it would not be known untill centuries later, the young Queen had not just enchanted Snowdrop's looks, but had stumbled into darker magic. Without knowing it, she had foretold a prophecy that would appear much, much later. This prophecy would surround Snowdrop's decendent, in a future where the art of magic was no more, and Snowdrop nothing but a fairy tale.

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