Chapter One ~ Dementor's!

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The teenage boy sighs looking out of his bedroom window. Even if it is Dudley's old broken toy room it is better than the cupboard he used to be forced to sleep in. But, he wishes he can run away from the beatings and he knows all too well that they will come again whether he wants them to or not.

"Boy!!" Harry's Aunt Petunia screeches up to him breaking him out of his thoughts.

Harry scrambles to his feet, since he understands that if he ignores her he will be in for it later when Vernon gets home. The bruises on his face have only just started fading and he really doesn't need or want anymore of them. But, that isn't likely to happen.

What a lovely supposed family he has.

"What is wrong Aunt Petunia?" Harry asks politely as he walks into the living room/ kitchen to see his Aunt crying on the recliner chair.

"Nothing!" She shouts at him and he just looks away, but she continues with. "I need you to go to the park and pick up Dudley."

'Just what I need.' Harry thinks to himself, but he will never complain about it out loud, since it only leads to his pain.

"Of course Aunt Petunia." Harry tells her holding back a snarky comment and flashing her a fake smile.

Petunia stares at the boy wishing that she can kill him now rather than waiting for him to be killed by Voldemort like the old man has planned. But, alas she will never get the money he has promised her is she does that. He is a freak to her and that will never change.

"Stop stand there and leave." Petunia demands her nephew with a cold as ice glare that makes him shiver.

Harry rushes out of the room, since he doesn't want to anger his relatives one again. But, he knows that going to pick up Dudley means a game of hunting Harry. The one thing that scares him more than anything else.....

He would rather face Voldemort with no wand or magic at his disposal.

Dudley smirks and his friends grin when they see Harry walking towards them. The boys love the game that Dudley has made up against his cousin, but they never think about what it means for the young boy. They are slowly, but surely destroying his life and childhood. Not that he has ever had a proper childhood like he was meant to.

"How about we play a little game freak?" Dudley asks not really asking Harry at all.

Harry sighs he knew this would happen. He hates them all, but there is nothing he can do against them and no way to defend himself. Magic is not allowed to be done infront of muggles and especially not when the wizard or witch is under age.

"Aunt Petunia asked me to come get you." Harry explains trying to remain aloof and act like he doesn't care about what they are definitely going to do to him.

"Well we better make it a quick game." Dudley tells them and they all smirk at Harry who hides his anger, pain and hate behind a well trained mask.

Harry runs and runs and runs.

He can't get away he understands that, but he doesn't want to give into them. Especially not without a fight.

The three teenagers with Dudley soon give up telling Harry's cousin that they need to be home. Dudley scowls at them hating the fact that they won't play with him. They are so close to catching Harry and they are giving up.

"Fine leave you total losers." Dudley tells them as he starts running after his prey once again.

The three teenagers walk off not looking at Dudley. They all know that he is a spoilt brat, but they don't have much choice. They have to let him have control or he will start on them and that is the last thing that they want.

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