Chapter Twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Emma, talk to us," Logan says. "What's going on? Someone tell me what's going on."

I cross my arms, shaking my head in annoyance. It hurts to know that they knew Diane is the one who hit Tyler, and they, let alone anyone, did not tell me that she did, especially since I'm dating Austin.

It wouldn't have affected the way I saw him, or loved him, but the fact that he nor my brothers who vow to protect me choose not to, does hurt, therefore I am angered.

"Why don't you all just fuck off? I'm not in the mood to see any of your ugly faces," I snap, turning in the opposite direction. Instead of backing off, they follow me.

Daniel comes around blocks my way to the kitchen, and I let out a frustrated sigh. Jude comes up beside me, but I shrug away when he tries to touch my arm.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me, some brothers you are," I say and look at each of my brothers, turning behind me to make sure everyone saw my distain. They step back, their eyes widening yet they don't appear guilty.

"Did you count on this? Me finding out and then Austin and I wouldn't be together?" I ask, tears running down my cheeks. I force my way past my brothers into the kitchen.

"Emma, we didn't think you would find out-"Jude stops in mid sentence, trailing off when I narrow my eyes at him. Logan steps up, offering more excuses like there was never a good time to tell you, or we never guessed you were going to fall in love with Austin.

I slam down my fist on the counter, a headache forming.

"Shut up!" I snap. "Why couldn't you just tell me when you knew that I was going out with Austin? There is no reason you shouldn't have!"

"We wanted him to tell you himself!" Jude yells, his face turning red in anger and frustration. "Because if he really loved you he wouldn't let that come between you guys, even if you were upset, at least you would know!"

Daniel rubs his face."We didn't mean any harm Emma. We never wanted you to get hurt like this," he says, and I can hear the sincerity in his tone.

"You still should have said something," I mumble into my tear soaked hand. I'm suddenly enveloped in a tight brace. I sniff in the familiar pine cologne of Jude, and slowly I wrap my arms around him. Eventually, Daniel, Owen, Logan, and join in, and I let them comfort me.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright," Jude says softly. "If things are meant to be, they're meant to be."

I tell my parents I want the surgery.

What have I got to lose?

"Are you sure you want to do this?" my mom asks, a frown on her face. We sit at the kitchen table, both my parents sitting across from me. Its Monday, and I've considered the pros and cons of the surgery all weekend. "This isn't because you and Austin are arguing?"

I scrunch my face. "No, of course not!" I say. "How did you know we're fighting?"

My dad chuckles. "Aidan let us know," he says, then his eyes soften. "Emma, we never meant not to tell you Diana had been involved in the incident, it just never came out."

"What happened to Tyler was not Diana's fault," my mom says, standing up and walking over to me. "She was driving home from her shift at the hospital and Tyler ran right out in front of her, didn't bother looking. You can't blame Diana or Austin for Tyler's death Emma. No one is to blame."

I sigh, rubbing my face. "I know, I know," I say, a bit overwhelmed. "Its just I wish he would have told me."

My mom rubs my back. "Talk to him, he's a good boy."

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