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I drum idly on my thighs on my fingers, knots tightening in my stomach when I hear the sound of footsteps heading towards me. I stand to my feet, alert, as a woman walks towards me.

"You're Lillian, right?" She asks.

"It's Lian." I correct, gritting my teeth together.

"Don't care," She replies shortly, grabbing my wrist and pulling me along.

I frown deeply, wrenching away from her.

"Tell me your name," I order. Her brown eyes look at me, and her dirty blonde hair falls into her face.

"It's Anna. I'm a computer technician."

"What do you want from me?" I wrench away, curling my hands into fists. My lip curls into a sneer quickly, a brow raised.

"I'm here to give you a piece of advice. You'd stay away from Eric if you were smart."

"Why?" I snap. "Because I'm too young? Because you want him yourself?"

"I'm his friend. I know how he works."

"You sure about that?" I ask her, eyes dark in anger.

"What, you think you're some kind of exception?"

"I'd like to think I'm an exception for a lot of things." I smirk.

"Well, you're not. You aren't an exception. He does the same thing with every single girl."

"Well, that's because he's been with the same type of girls. Girls like you who are too much of a coward to act how they feel, so they put on a persona to fake it. He's never been with a girl like me."

She scowls, before she rolls her eyes at me. "You know what, you find out for yourself. But once you find out, don't come crying to me because I'll tell you I told you so."

"And when you're wrong, I'll tell you I told you so." I scoff at her. I turn away from her, listening to the sound of my shoes stepping away from her.

Who did she think she was, trying to tell me what I could and couldn't do?

I forget why I was waiting around, and jog down the stairs, seething slightly in anger.

I huff, and try to clear my head. I hear a loud scream from my right, seeing a blur of blonde hair. Arms wrap around my neck and I laugh.

"Hey Zee." I tell her as I hug her back. "Good to see you."

"You too! Where have you been? How are you?"

"One question at a time." I laugh, pulling away. "I'm okay."

"Good," She tells me, pulling back.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm amazing!" She laughs. "Me and Mason had the best date last night. It was so fun, and he was so sweet and gentle."

"Wait, what?" I ask. "Did you two do the deed?"

She laughed, slowly nodding. "We did."

"How was it?" I question curiously.

"It was amazing... he was so gentle."

I watch her blush, and I giggle. "Well, good."

I rub my neck and she pulls me along to the dining hall.

There, I'm greeted by laughter, screams, and playful Dauntless banter.

Nikki yells, "Over here!" She waves her hand, and Zella runs me over to her.

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