Chapter 13

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I woke up back in fantasy. Serge had already started on making us breakfast. Odette was practicing her fighting skills and Luna was just meditating.
"Morning." I stood up.
"Quode fiobe Uppec!" Luna said. I think it was just a way of saying hello in another langue.
"Good." I nodded. "Jusn malum." I didn't really now why I said that last part, or even how I said that last part. But somehow I knew it translated to something along the lines of 'I'm doing great!'. Serge hands me a plate with some breakfast, which was just some eggs and strawberry pancakes. It was decent (the pancakes were thin and dry and the eggs were just terrible). Odette sighed.
"I wish Melya was here," She frowned. "She could of cooked a better breakfast."
"I think the words your looking for are 'you're welcome' Odette." Serge muttered. "I know I can't cook, but there's no need to be rude."
"I think the word your looking for is 'Honest'." Luna scoffed.
"Guys!" I snapped. "No fighting." I had no idea why the were acting like this, until I remembered out predicament. Which reminded me abou the plan I made. I looked up from my plate and started to speak. "Alright you guys. I know were in a lot of trouble. But we got to try to fight through this. Today I suggest instead of fighting to find our way through the forest, we stay here and try to plan on what we are going to next. I'm sure that there is someway to give ourselves a bit more of a chance if we start to think about what we have and make it into something that could make us stronger. I know that Noel, Melya, and Cyrus are probably out there somewhere and we don't know what kind of condition there in right now. However Melya is a healer an Cyrus has probably got his own idea on how to navigate throw the forest so we don't need to worry about. Right now, the only thing that matters is that we survive for now, find them and then make it out of here. OK?" Odette nodded and so did Serge. Luna looked pretty reluctant but she nodded too. I made a small mental note to make sure to think everything out thoroughly so she doesn't go beserk again. I grinned and clapped my hands together. "OK then. So if any of you have any ideas don't hold back were going to need all of us working hard to get through her." And so we got to work.
I started off by asking all of them why they new about the forest. Unfortunately, none of them new anything that could help us significantly. We were silent for a while. Then Serge spoke up.
"What about the girl?" I looked at Serge and then at the girl who was still unconscious.
"She doesn't really help us since she's unconscious." Luna said. I nodded.
"Luna, do you think there's away you can wake her up?" I asked. She thought for awhile and then stood up.
"I'll see what I can do."
"I'll help too," Odette said. "I know a little magic. I might be of some help."
"Sure." I nodded. "We also might need to find away to make ourselves stronger to give us a better chance. Any ideas." Serge nodded and went into his bag and pulls out smaller bags filled with dust, magic crystals and potions.
"I carry this stuff just in case we get into situations like this. I think we can use this stuff on our items and ourselves to give us a better chance out there." He explained.
"Cool. How does it work?" I asked, picking up some of the light blue dust in my hand.
"I'll show you." Serge said. "Come here." I crawled closer to him. He asked me to give him my sword and I did as I was told. He went through his bag and rummaged through it. H eventually, he pulled out a small glass bottle filled with with darkish yellow-green color. He poured a small bit of it on my sword. He went back into his bag and pulled out a white book with gold designs and beautiful gems all over it. He started flipping throw until he came across a page filled with different shapes. He started looking around untill he found one. I peeked at what he was reading. The picture he was pointing to was a wierd symbol that looked like a stick-figure with top half cut of so you could only see his legs and feet. I read what it said.

Uruz (Freya Aett)
Meaning: Wild ox
Represents: strength, energy, power, freedom, courage, actions

I stared at Serge feeling confused. He stared back at me smiling.
"What is this?" I asked him.
"This is Uruz." He replied. I shook my head.
"I know that. I mean, how does this help us?"
"We use this symbol to help us."
"We use the fae dust to draw this symbol on your sword. Then we use a touch of magic to charge your sword with the power if the symbol. Then your sword will be a little more powerful." He picked up his bottle and poured the dust on my sword. He started tracing the symbol on the dust as well as some other letters in different language. He closes his eyes and muttered,
"This sword is very powerful." I watched in amazement. I never had seen anything like it. It looked so simple. I was sure even in real life I could probably do something like I on a pen to help me ace a test. I wonder if that will work. I thought. That would be really cool.
"Hey can you hand me my bag? I forgot something." Serge snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Y-Yeah." I picked up.
"Is something up?" He asked.
"No." I shook my head. "I'm amazed how simple you made that look." Serge laughed.
"This?! This is baby stuff." He laughed. "Why, it's so easy I taught myself how to do it!" Serge patted me on the back. "I'll let you do my sword the next time!" I smiled. I had never done any magic in the fantasy world, so this was going to be interesting. Serge started rummaging through his bag until he pulled out a bottle about the size of a wine glass filled with some purple stuff. He pulled off the cap and poured it on the dust. Then he set the sword down. "Now, we wait." He said. "You should go check on the girls. I'll call you back when I need you."
"Kay." I stood up and walked over to the girls who were hunched over the girls with determined and frustrated looks. "How is she?" I asked them.
"Unconscious." Odette poked her. "Nothing we've done is working." I bit my lip.
"Are you sure?" I asked. Luna growled
"No Russle, we're not sure. The girl is just still unconscious." She spat sarcasticly.
"There's no need to be rude, Luna." I snapped back. Odette sighed.
"We can't really figure out why she fainted either. But we think it's because of some black magic. I can't really figure what kind of magic." Luna sighed. "Cyrus seemed to know what type of magic it was, but because he just had to abandon us..."
"Luna," Odette put her hand on her shoulder. "Calm down." Odette turned to me and said, "Luna and I were able to find out that she shouldn't be unconcious for long. She'll be up in a few hours." I nodded.
"Serge and I are working on our weapons. I think it's going well. He's using some sort of magic on them."
"Sounds good." Luna smile. She turned her attenion back to the girl. "I think Odette and I should take a break from this. Anything you need us to do?" I thought for a moment.
"Go explore for a while. Try and see if you can figure out what kind of stuff is out there. Then come back as soon as you can." The girls picke up there weapons.
"OK." The said in unison. I they went into Serge's bag and grabbed a few potions.
"You guys to set up some sort of way so that way if we get lost we can find you guys. Like some sort fire." Odette suggested. Luna nodded.
"OK. Serge and I will figure something out." I told them. "Be careful out there."
"Russle. There's no need to worry about us girls. We will crush anything in our path." LunaMist smiled over-confidently. Then they turned around and walked into the forest.
"Yo, Russle!" Serge called out to me. I walked over to him he pointe to the my sword. "Watch!" The purple stuff Serge had poured on the blade if my sword had started bubbling. I reached out to touch it and then quickly moved my fingers away realizing it was hot. Serge chuckled. I swear, he always laughs at me when it comes to magic or fighting. I kept watching the purple stuff spread across on the blade of my sword until the intire blade was covered in the hot purple gel.
"What is the stuff?" I asked.
"Melted amethyst." He answered. "I chose it because of all the properties and uses it has in helping with mental in physical strength as well as protection." Well, there goes my pencil idea. I don't think amethyst can be melted. Could it? I continued to watch the magic while Serge started humming a song. The melted amethyst started to bubble and glow the more it spread across my sword.
"What's it's doing now?" I asked.
"It's transferring the magic from the dust into the sword." He patted my head. "I'm so shocked you don't remember this."
"I don't remember anything."
"Yes," he sighed. "but I didn't think you'd forget everything." He examined me. "Do you remember anything?" I nodded.
"Somethings. Like how to fight."
"Is that all?" He frowned. I shrugged and said,
"Odette seemed pretty frimilar." Serge stared at my sword.
"I see..." He muttered. Finally all the gel and dust had disappeared from my sword and it looked good as new.
"Cool!" I exclaimed. Serge laughed.
"Now it's your turn." He pulled out his two daggers. I touched the blade of them both.
"I take perfect care of my swords Russle." I heard a voice inside me say. It was Serge's. "I wouldn't let a thing happen to them."
"Are you sure I won't break them?" I asked. The blond shrugged and said,
"Maybe, but I'm not too worried." He went into his bag and pulled out some pink and yellow dust. He placed it in my hands carefully. Then he stared me dead in the eyes. "I'm going to walk you through this, so listen carefully."
"O-OK..." I stammered. I didn't like the way Serge was looking at me. I could feel he probably be really mad if I distroyed his weapons.
"Good." He smiled at me. "So first you pout some dust on the blade. Just enough to fill a small toy marble." I poured, what thought would fill a toy marble however, I never really owned any so my judgement was weak at best. Serge handed me the book he had used earlier.
"Look here untill you found something that you might think will help." He instructed me. I looked around until I found one similar to the symbols serge used.

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