Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Leah Hettish

So imagine this: One day you wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, come home, do homework, eat dinner, go to sleep. Pretty normal right?
Now imagine this: Wake up the next morning, eat breakfast, go on a some magical quest to find some cool gem, practice fighting poisonous slimes, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep. Sounds crazy right? Probably sound like something out of a movie. I know, but that's my life for you.
I live two lives. I have one soul, but two different bodies. One second I'm struggling to make it through school and the next I'm fighting to survive crucial battles against monsters. Trust me, it can be a real headache sometimes.
I'm kind of a geek at in Reality. I don't make a lot of friends unless there online. Usually I only hang out with a group of outcasts who are friendly to me but I haven't know them long enough to be my friends. I picked on because I'm a "nerd" and a "teachers pet". Usually I don't let it bother me and other I just want to disappear.
I love to read. Books are my life and I'm a huge sucker for fantasy. I also enjoy daydreaming. I used to always have fantasies about being a hero and doing hero things. I had my own made up team and we would face off over all kinds of battles. I stopped doing that with them when I got older.
All of it started when I was reading on my way home. I was reading a book called Blue Star. It was about a boy, named Stella, that was on a quest for his twelve missing sisters and his mom. This was my third time reading it but I didn't care. I loved this series. I had been reading this series since I was 8. I had always dreamed of fighting along side Stella with a magic sword and amazing powers. Of course that could never happen. It was only I dream I had and eventually grew out of. I always wondered however, why things couldn't be like this. With magic and monsters. I just didn't get it. I guess things are just easier this way.
Just then, someone grabed the book from my hand and pushed me. I looked up to see Michel and Donny and a few other kids from my science class. They were always giving me a hard time.
"Oh, it's you again." Donny scowled disguisedly, as though it was me who bumbed into him.
"Why do you always read these stupid books?" Michel growled at me. "I bet it's because you are stupid." He tore my book and threw it aside. Donny pushed me down and I fell face flat on the concrete. I stood up only to get pushed down again by Michel.
"Leave me alone." I muttered. I tried standing up but Donny kicked me. I fell back on the concrete. Donny kicked me again, this time, harder. Michle punched me hard in the face. The two, a long with the others, started throwing punches and kicks at me.
"Stop!" I yelled. I had no clue why they were doing this. I manged to stand up and run as fast as could to get away from them. My heart was pounding, both from fear and from running. Sure, they had been mean to me but they had never tried to hurt me before. I was petrified. I had to get away from them. I stopped and tried to catch my breath for a while.
"There he is!" I heard someone yell. I looked up to see Donny and Michel along with their other friends.
Please no. I thought. Let this be a dream.

I looked behind me. There was only the road and cars were driving by like rockets.

Just let this be a bad dream! Just a bad dream.

I had two choices. One, Let Donny and Michel beat me up. Or two take my chance, run across the street and probably get killed.

Please let me wake up and realize it was just a nightmare.

Donny and Michel caught up to me. They grabbed me and started punching and kicking me again. I cried, begging for them to stop.

Just let this be a dream.

WHAM! One of them punched me in the head. Hard. So hard I swear I saw my skull shattered. My head started spinning I could bearly figure out what was going on. I started to see all sorts of different colors swirl around my brain. Then everything went pitch black.
When I woke up everything sounded calm. I could hear birds chirping and squirrels running from tree to tree. I could hear a running river in the distance and the wind blowing. I could also hear a girls voice.
"Russel..." She sounded really worried. "Russel, can you hear me?" I slowly opened my eyes. There was a girl looking down at me. She had long dark blue hair and sky blue eyes with tan skin. She was wearing sliver armor and had a sheath on her belt with a lance in it.
"Russel, are you awake?" She asked. I groaned. Was she talking to me?
"What?" I just stared at her. Who was she again?
"Russle, it's me, Odette. Do you remember me?" In away, she looked oddly frimilar, even so, I didn't really know who she was. "Russel..." I also didn't know why she was calling me Russel. That wasn't my name. My name was Matthew. I looked behind her to see there were other kids. They all looked around my age.
"Russel?" The girl infront of me called for me again.
"Who are you?" I asked. I saw her eyes weld up with tears. She held me tight.
"It's me, Odette." She sobbed. "Don't you remember?" I shook my head. She looked at me and sighed sadly. "Are you alright?" I slowly nodded even though my head ached. "Good," She sighed. "let's be thankful for that." She sniffled a bit and then put her hand out for me to shake. "My name it Odette." She introduced herself. A boy my age stepped up. He was tall boy with messy platinum grey hair and midnight blue eyes. He had a navy green long sleeved military trench coat with a white shirt and a black tie along with black pants and black boots. He was wearing a belt which had two revolvers in them and a small had scar on his right cheek. He looked like he was focussing really hard on me, which kind of creeped me out.
"My name is Cyrus." He introduced himself. He sounded almost emotionless. Another kid stepped up. He was also a tall boy with wavy long blond with crystal blue eyes. He was wearing black armor and a small red cape. He had two sheaths with two daggers.
"My names Serge." He smiled. The next girl waved.
"My names LunaMist, but you can call me Luna." This girl had extra long yellow hair and grass green eyes. She had a maroon sleeveless top, a sliver belt with a black skirt, maroon boots, and a dark blue hooded cape with a golden necklace. She also had a small ribbon in her hair and long black gloves.
"And my name is Melya." The last girl said. She had long braided black hair, dark purple eyes and a small pair of glasses. She was wearing a blue hooded cape with a light blue short sweetheart dress with lots of stars and lace on it. She also light blue boots with stars on them to match. She had a a blue witch hat and sparkly blue gloves. In her hand she had a light blue wand.
"And your name is Russel." Odette said to me, smiling.
"No." I said, confused. "My names Matthew."
"No." She stared at me like I was crazy. "It's Russel."
"Matthew." I argued.
"Russel." Odette argued back.
"My name is Matthew!" I shouted.
"Shhh!" Everyone around wispered.
"Don't be so loud." Cyrus wispered angrily. "Were in a very dangerous area, so if a monster heard you-"
"Monsters?" I asked. We heard something beyond. Everyone got into a fighting position. I saw Odette pull out a lance from her sheath. Luna's hands started to glow. Melya held her small wand in her hand. Cyrus grabbed his two revolvers while Serge grabbed his two daggers. We heard large footsteps. They started getting closer and the ground started to shake. Just then a bunch of ogers appered. Odette, Cyrus, Serge, Melya and Luna charged at the beasts. Cyrus shot five of them, Serge stabbed two of them at the same time, Melya shot some sort of light from her wand and took out three, Luna hit six with a fire attack and Odette took out the rest with her lance.
"Woah." I wispered. They all turned to me.
"We should get out of here." Cyrus suggested. Everyone nodded except Luna.
"Who died and made you king?" She growled.
"Well I'm sorry, little miss magic. If you haven't noticed our leader currently has amnesia! And I'm more responsible than the rest of you idiots." Cyrus shouted.
"What the heck did you just say!?" She shouted.
"Seriously, you two. You're acting like an old married couple." Melya patted them on the shoulders.
"Trust me, I'd never marry him." Luna sneered.
"Jeez calm down, Luna. Cyrus is only trying to help." Serge tried to reason with her. Luna just stuck her noes up in the air and grunted.
"Let's go." Odette ordered firmly. No one argued. I guess maybe she was supposed to be in charge.
"Odette, what about training?" Serge asked her.
"I think we've had enough today." She turned to me. We followed her back to a large cabin. We walked into a gigantic, cozy-looking living room.
"Home, sweet home!" Sighed Serge.
I saw a mirror. Looked into it and my reflection startled me. Instead of having dark brown my hair was a light firey red. My dark brown eyes had been replaced with emrald green ones. My skin was no longer pale and was actually sorta tan. I wasn't wearing my glasses yet I could see crystal clear. That and I was in a platinum suit of armor. I wasn't small or frail-looking like I usually was. For once, I actually looked pretty tough. What had happend to me? I thought. I turned to the others. I know I didn't know much about them but they supposedly know something abou me.
"Could you explain what's going on?" I asked.
"Oh right." Odette turned to me and started to explain. "Well, you see, you, Melya, Cyrus, Luna, Serge and I are all in a team called Infinity. We help take care the place we live in called Suru. Serge is a swordsman, Luna is a mage fairy, Melya is a healer and a mage, Cyrus is a gun man, I am a... well actually, I don't really know myself. And, Russle, you are a warrior. Does that make sense?" I nodded even though I was confused. "Good if you have any questions just ask." I nodded. I felt really tired. I had just landed in a place where nothing made sense. I needed to relax and figure out what was going on.
"Um, could you show me to my room? I'm sort of tired." I asked.
"I imagine." Melya smiled softly. She patted me on the shoulder with a warm smile. "Come this way." I followed her into a huge bed room. It was everything I wished my bed room would be like. A TV, bunk beds for no reason, lots of space. I was in awe. This cannot be real. I thought. I went over to my bed. I lied down and closed my eyes. I kept asking myself what was this place? And why was I here? Soon I fell asleep.

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