Chapter 3

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Of course, however, I did wake up. I don't know how because I didn't fall asleep, but I woke up. My dad was there watching baseball on the small tv in the room. I groaned. Not because of my head but because of the fact that I was back in reality. No monsters, no magic, no fighting, no Infinty.
"Matthew!" My dad exclaimed. "Your awake." I didn't say anything. I just stared at him. I didn't feel like talking. "Hey! You OK?" Still I didn't say anything. "Come on, Matthew. Say something." I Remained silent. My dad patted me on the head. "Well, I do know some good news. Your sister heard about the accident. She's coming to visit you." I sat up immediately.
"Stella?" I asked. My dad nodded. Stella was my older sister. She was six years older than I was. When we were kids we used to play lots of games. She was the nicest person I knew. But then, she got a bit rebellious and moved out when I was 10. So I was alone. She calls me almost all the time but I haven't seen her since she left.
"She should be here any minute now." My dad told me. His phone started ringing. "I'll be right back. Just gotta take this." He left the room. I thought about my sister coming to see me. Come to think of it, she used to always study dreams. I remember when I was three she explained what a lucid dream was to me everyday. Maybe she could explain the dreams I was having.
Later, as my dad promised, Stella was here. She gave us all a hug, and explained how she had been. She walked up to me and stroked my hair.
"And how have you been?" She asked.
"I've been good." I answered. Stella hugged me. It felt like Odette's hug.
"That's what I was hoping to hear." She told me. "You look so much different since I last saw you." Usually, that's what most realitives say on thanksgiving but my sister wasn't just any realitive. She was my best friend.
My parents left to give me and Stella some time to chat.
"So you got beaten up?" She asked.
"Yeah." I told her feeling a little uneasy.
"Do you know why?" I felt like lying. But I didn't want to lie to my sister after I hadn't seen her in three years.
"Some bullies just came up to and started hitting me. I tried to get away but there was a road and didn't know what to do. So they beat me up." I confessed.
"Uhh. Bullies. I hate them so much. Honestly they should learn to treat people equally." My sister ranted. She sighed. "I'm sorry they bullied you. It must have been really scary."
"Yeah. It was. But I'm OK." I reassured her. She patted my hand and smiled.
"Good to hear." I smiled. Then I remembered what I needed to ask her.
"Hey Stella. I have a question to ask you."
"Umm. So is it like possible to have the same dream over and over again?"
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Well that's not really what I ment. I mean like the same dream, but it's not the same dream. It's like, it seems like the same dream but each time it's a little different. And it feels real too. It's like reality only it's a dream. "
"Um, yeah." Stella nodded again. "I think so."
"Is it a bad thing?" I asked.
"No, not at all." She pat me on my head. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason." I lied.
"Are you sure?" My sister asked suspiciously. That was my sister for you. She always wanted to know the truth. I nodded. "Oh." She patted me on the head again. I started to get tired. I checked the time. It was 5:43.
"Stella, I'm tired." I yawned.
"Oh, well then, good night Matthew. See you in the morning." She kissed my forhead.
"Good night." I slowly fell asleep.
"RUSSLE WAKE UP!" I jolted awake. Me and the rest of infinity we under a green see-through dome. I looked out to see a ginormous dragon.
"What the-!" The dragon slammed into the dome. The ground shook violently. I screamed. "What the heck is that!" I shouted. That thing was huge. It slammed into the forcefield again.
"We found our first dragon." Serge shouted at me. The dragon shot fire at the dome. "It's the fire dragon."
"Guys!" Luna yelled. "The forcefield! It's breaking!" We all saw large cracks in the magic dome.
"Prepare for battle!" Cyrus yelled. Cyrus grabbed his two pistols. Serge pulled two large swords out from his sheath. Odette quickly grabbed onto her Lance. Melya used magic to make a golden staff with a huge jeweled stone appear in her hand. Luna's hand glowed with a pink sparkly mist. I grabbed my swords handle but didn't pull it out of my sheath. I was nervous about this battle. The last battle was OK, but we were fighting pigs; This was a gigantic, violent, monstrous beast. How would we defeat this thing? CRASH!!! I heard a loud shattering sound, as though someone had smashed a thousand china dolls. Then, I heard fearsome roar. I slowly looked up to see the dragon. It had blood red scales and glowing yellow eyes. It had numerous sharp and pointy teeth and claws. It was probably as big as the World Trade Center. It roared again and violent flames shot out of its mouth. Please let me wake up! Please let me wake up! I thought.
"Attack!" Serge yelled. Odette ran towards the monster. She jumped really high and landed on the monsters enormous head. She slammed her lance in to the dragons skull. The beast tried to shake her off. Odette quicky grabbed her lance and jumped off, surprisingly landing on her feet. Then, Serge ran up the monsters tail and and up to it's neck. He started violently slashing it's neck with his two swords. The beast roared in pain. Cyrus shot the dragon. There was a giant flash of light.
"What was that?" I yelled.
"Light bullets. The should blind for the beast moment." Cyrus informed me. Serge jumped off the dragon. Melya shot it with three waves of white magic. Now the dragon was mad. It thrashed it's gigantic claws at us. We were all knocked back with great force. It tried to hit us again, but Luna blocked it using some sort of green lightning spell. Everyone started trying to kill the dragon. Exept me. I had completely chickened out. The dragon shot fire at us. Luna tried putting up another field, but this time it broke instantly, knocking us all back violently. Serge ran up to me.
"Russle, I know now is not the time but I need to check your sword!" He yelled.
"What?" I asked.
"Just let me see!" Without much of a warning Serge grabbed my sword from me. He quickly examined it. "Yes, yes." He muttered. "This might work!" He turned to me. "Russ, you see the dragon over there?"
"No Serge! I do not notice the one hundred story tall monster right infront of us!" I yelled sarcasticly.
"Just listen! I need you to focus on the dragon. " Serge ordered me. Yeah that won't be hard. I thought. "OK great! Now slam the blade of your sword into the ground."
"What?" I asked. "That was totally stupid. Why would I do that?"
"Just do it!" Serge yelled. "Trust me!" I was about to ask why when I saw Odette slam into the ground. The dragon must have knocked her off. Odette! I thought.
Without even thinking I slammed my sword into the earth. The ground started to shake. Without warning a giant and pointy mountain appeared and stabbed the dragon. The dragon roared in agony. It stood up and tried to fly away, but fell to ground. It roared again then died. The beast slowly burn away the way paper does when you light it on fire. Soon the only traces of the beast were ashes scattered everywhere.
"Good job Russ!" Cyrus patted me on the shoulder.
"Amazing!" Melya clapped.
"Cool, I didn't know how long it would be before you remembered how to do that." Luna told me.
"Serge reminded me." I told them.
"And you doubted me at first." Serge smirked.
"Sorry, dude."
"It's OK. The idea did sound pretty crazy."
"Look guys!" Odette pointed towards the sky. "It's almost morning!" We all smiled. Melya yawned.
"Fighting monsters... is so tiring." Melya went back into her sleeping bag and went back to sleep.
"Sorry Mel, but that kid needs us." Cyrus tried waking her up.
"Let her be, Cyrus." Serge nuged him. "She's tired. You know how stressful fighting monsters can be."
"OK, OK, I'll leave Mel alone." Cyrus surrendered.
"In that case I'm going to sleep." Odette yawned.
"Me too." Serge climbed into his sleeping bag and slept.
"Yeah me too." Luna got into her sleeping bag. Soon everyone was asleep but me and Cyrus.
"You can go to sleep too, if you want." Cyrus told me. "I won't get lonely."
"Naw. I'll stay awake." Honestly I was tired too, but I was too afraid to go back to sleep. Besides, if it was morning here it was probably nighttime in the real world, so I guess it was OK to stay awake.
Cyrus sat down under a tree. He looked like he was thinking real hard. Cyrus seemed to be the mysterious one of the group. He always seemed to be thinking. He didn't talk much unless he was giving orders or something. He's also very smart in a way. I don't know how I figured that out. It kinda just made sense to me. If he thought a lot he must be smart. But what about? What was he always thinking about? Did it have something to do with being a criminal? What was that even about? I examined Cyrus. I guess he sorta looked like a bad guy. Maybe because of the trench coat.
"Stop staring at me." Cyrus said without even looking at me. "I'm trying to concentrate."
"On what?" I looked around. I didn't see anything that he could be concentrating on. He looked like he was just staring off into space.
"My thoughts." He answered still not bothering to make eye contact with me.
"Nothing." He told me. "It's nothing."
"Are you sure?" I asked. Cyrus sighed.
"I said it's nothing, Russle. Nothing." He sounded pretty firm.
"OK." I shrugged. Cyrus went back to thinking, this time however, he looked like he was thinking harder. Like he was trying really hard to focus on whatever he was trying to focus on. He looked like he was trying to shut out the rest of the world and concentrate on that thing. He looked angry and a bit upset. He also looked a little in pain. He closed his eyes tight. I heard him mutter something. He was slowly shaking his head. He opened them. He looked irritated.
"Russle, please. Stop staring at me. I need to think." Cyrus sighed, again not looking at me.
"Cyrus, you look upset."
"I'm fine. OK? Please just leave me alone." Cyrus stood up stared at me.
"Tell me what's wrong. I'll listen."
"Russle, trust me. Just give me some time to think and I'll be fine. OK?"
"What's wrong?" I asked. I was starting to get irritated. I was only trying to help.
"Russle. It's something you can't understand. Just let me think. Please." Cyrus sighed.
"You look hurt." I argued.
"Russle, no!" Cyrus yelled. I was stunned. I mean I knew I was being a little pushy, but I was only trying to help. I never expected him to yell. The was a long silence. "Just no." Cyrus sat back down. "Russle, I know it's confusing, but I'm fine. I just need to think. OK?"
"OK." I decided to leave Cyrus alone. I sat down. And stared at the sky. I felt bad. I knew that Cyrus wanted some alone time and I should have just let him be. But he looked really hurt. I thought he might have needed someone to talk to. I what that's what friends are for. My only friends are online, and I have to much stuff going on to talk to them. If I had an actual friend I'd tell them what's bugging me. I thought Cyrus would have been the same. I wanted to try talking to him again. But what if he got angry? I sighed. I wondered what Cyrus was thinking about! I felt really bad now. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to be a good friend. I know good friends help other friends, but what if one friend wanted to be alone? What then? I had just met infinity. I didn't want them to leave me because I was a bad friend. I cared about them. They were the nicest people I know. And now I think I just hurt ones feelings, after all they've done for me. The guilt was very overwhelming. I couldn't seem to shake it off.
"Cyrus I-"
"Russle," Cyrus stopped me. "I'm not angry," I stared at him shocked. "Just upset. I'm sorry for blowing up in your face. I just... I can't explain. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too. I didn't really mean to make mad. It's just, you guys have been really nice to me. I don't want you guys to leave me just cause I'm a bad friend."
"Yeah." Cyrus sighed. "I know how that feels." There was a long pause. Cyrus turned to me.
"Russ, I'm the type of person who can handle themselves." He explained, looking at me this time. "Whenever I have a problem I prefer to solve them on my own. If you ever see me in pain, just know I'm fine." I nodded. I didn't fully believe him, but I didn't want to argue with him either, so I just went along. Cyrus stood up. "Guys, wake up. We have to get going." Everyone started groaning. "Up! Come on. We don't have all day."
"I'm still tired." Odette whined.
"Come on!" Cyrus clapped his hands together. Everyone crawled out of your sleeping bag and we were off.

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