chapter 6

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I climbed up the tree and onto the roof. I tiptoed to a window and looked inside. I saw posters of bands and some skate boards but the rest looked plain. Hmm. Does he have a brother or something?

I saw someone move in the room and my eyes zeroed in on the person. His back was to me. Turn around. I need to see who this is. When the dude turned slightly, I knew it was Hayden. He entered some room which might be a closet or bathroom.

I slid the window up quietly and entered. I shut the window and got myself confy on his bed. Man is this bed confy as hell. I closed my self and almost found myself falling asleep till I heard some foot steps coming. Hayden entered my view and his eyes met mine.

"How'd you get in here?" Hayden asked.

I chuckled. "I climbed the tree." I simply said.

He just nodded and sat down on the floor. I snorted and scooted over on his bed.

"Get on the bed. I don't bite........hard." I said teasing him.

He laughed awkwardly and sat on the bed. I chuckled.

"I don't bite unless you want me to." I told him.

His shoulders relaxed immediately and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why do you cut?" He asked me.

Well that was straight up out of his mouth. I just shrugged and told him the truth. What? He seems like a good kid to keep secrets.

"I've been abused for most my life and one day I thought, fuck it. Cutting won't get me nowhere in life and started smoking. I have tats around my body but they're not covering the scars, some are." I said looking down at my wrist.

I had cuts going up my arms but half of them were covered in swirly tattoos and some quotes. Hayden lightly touched my scars and lightly traced them. His touch was soft and smooth. I closed my eyes and reopened them.

"I smoke everyday to get through the day. I still do even though I don't live with him nomore." I said mentioning my dad.

Him still jumping infront of me is still fresh in my mind. I clenched my fist and jaw tightly.

"Skye. Calm down." Hayden said softly.

I breathed in and out slowly. I finally calmed down and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry. I have a short temper." I apologized.

He shrugged. "It's okay." He said.

I nodded and asked him something. "Why do you cut?"

He sighed. "Family is making me feel like I don't belong here." He mumbled.

I snorted. "Atleast you didn't get abused." I said.

"True." He said.

That would've been an insult to me if I was sober but I ain't. Haha. I'm pretty chilled. Well more like if you say something really fucked up, you'll see my fist flying at you full speed. I felt my eyes closing in on me and before I knew it, I passed the fuck out.

-Hayden's p.o.v- (Gasp! :O hahh)

"Hayden!" Mom yelled.

I sighed through my nose and looked at my mom.

"Yes mom?" I asked her nicely.

"It's almost midnight. What the hell are you still up? You got school tomorrow. Go up to your damn room." Mom said angrily.

I just nodded at her and walked up the steps. I entered my room and walked over to my desk. I bent down slightly to check my phone and to turn on my alarm for the morning.

When that was done, I entered my restroom and did my business. I brushed my teeth afterwards and left. I entered my room and the first thing my eyes go to, is Skylar. How did she get in her?

"How'd you get in here?" I asked her.

"I climbed the tree." She simply said.

Oh wow. I never knew she'd climb up tree to get in here. She could've just knocked on the front door but mom would get mad as hell and call the cops on her so it was a good idea for Skye to climb the tree.

I nodded and sat down on the ground and heard her snort. Did she just snort? I looked at her and saw her scoot over.

"Get on the bed. I don't bite........hard." She said teased.

I tensed up, awkwardly laughed and sat down on the bed. What if she really bites me? Will it hurt?

"I don't bite unless you want me to." She said truthfully.

I relaxed fast and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Why do you cut?" I asked her straight up.

That question has been in my head since I bumped into her at the grocery store. I still can't believe she spent all that money on junk food and I still can't believe she had all that money on her.

What shocks me is that she tells me. She tells me that she's been abused for her whole life. Why would someone as cruel as her father do that to her? Does he want her to suffer?

She looked down on her wrist which I looked and saw the beginning of a tattoo forming on her wrist. She didn't feel me pulling up her sleeve. I saw the cuts going up her arm. Man. She used to cut alot cause it went all the way up her arm.

The swirly tattoo covered half of the cuts and I traced the tattoo softly with my fingers. I saw her close her eyes and opened them again. She's going to say something else.

"I smoke everyday to get through the day. I still do even though I don't live with him nomore." She said mentioning her father.

She tensed up badly. Her jaw and fists clenched together and had that angry distant look in her eyes. She needs to calm down before she breaks something.

"Skye. Calm down." I said softly.

When she heard me call her Skye, she calmed down. She gave me a sheepish smile which I liked.

"Sorry. I have a short temper." She apologized.

"It's okay." I told her.

"Why do you cut?" She asked.

I had a feeling she was going to ask since I asked her first.

I sighed. "Family is making me feel like I don't belong here." I mumbled.

She snorted. "Atleast you didn't get abused." She said.

"True." I said.

I had a feeling that she would've done something rude if she understood what I said. I heard of what she did to Noah's girlfriend in class so I don't want to get on her bad side so I'm glad she didn't pay attention to what I said. I didn't feel her whole weight on my shoulder till I snapped out of my mind.

I looked down and saw her asleep on my shoulder. I chuckled softly and picked her up. Man. She's one heavy sleeper. I pulled the covers away and layed her back down. I covered her up and stripped my shirt and baggy skinnies.

I grabbed my phone from my desk and set it on my nightstand. I got in bed and got confy. I set my glasses next to my phone and turned off my lights. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


what did you think? i think i did better than the last chaoter not getting peoples confused haha. still sorry about that so you should thank my best friend rainy for that(:

hope you like it!:D



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