chapter 8

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"That was scary." Lia mumbled when she got off my bike.

I chuckled as Hayden nodded in approval with his little sister. She's really pretty.

"Please tell me you have a car." Hayden asked me.

I chuckled and shook my head no.

"I crashed my last one into a building and got banned from going there." I told him.

He looked at me horrified. "Please don't kill us." He said truthfully.

"I'm not I promise. I love my baby to crash him." I told him truthfully.

He sighed and looked at my house.

"This is where you live?" Hayden asked.

I nodded. "Yea but we're not going in there. Mom will chew my ass. We're going next door." I told him as we made our way to Mac's.

I opened the door as I heard the tv. Seems like someone's awake.

"Who's watching tv?" I asked loudly.

I hear someone crash. Damn. They must miss me like hell. Ha. I saw Mac run towards me and I got tackled into a hug. I chuckle and hugged him back tightly.

"Where's Josh?" I asked.

Mac snorted. "Work."

I snickered. "He would work in the morning. This is Hayden and Lia." I introduced them.

Hayden nodded as Lia hid behind her big brother. I smiled slightly and looked at Mac. He nodded back.

"We're going to your room Mac. Don't be loud like you always are." I told Mac sternly.

He brought his hands up in surrender. "I promise I will be quiet." I knew what he ment.

I nodded and told Hayden and Lia to follow me. They followed me to Mac's room and we entered. Hmm. For once it's actually clean. I'm proud of him ha.

Hayden got the bed ready and Lia got under the covers when she took off her sweater and shoes. She looked at Hayden with big innocent icy blue grey eyes. They share the same eyes.

"Can you sing me what mom would always sing me?" Lia asked softly.

Hayden smiled softly and nodded. I saw the love he had for his little sister. I left the room and booked it to the kitchen.

"Better not touch my food." Mac mumbled as he killed zombies.

I snorted. "What's yours is mine." I told him.

He snorted loudly. "When the fuck did I put a ring on that finger? Never." Smartass said.

I smirked. "Let's see. Remember third grade? you proposed to me with a fucking ring pop. I still have the bitch somewhere in my junk." I told him.

He started laughing. "You still have it? You're crazy. Alright, eat whatever the fuck you wanna eat but not all of it." Mac said still laughing.

I chuckled and grabbed the cream cheese and the ritz. I entered the kitchen and jumped on the couch landing next to Mac. I grabbed a controller and logged into my account which made Mac get ambushed by zombies cause he was playing live.

"The fuck was that for?!" Mac shrieked like a lil girl.

I rolled my eyes and back handed him. I smirked too cause his head set was on so the other players heard him as well. Ha. This should be fun.

"Well one, I wanna play and two, whoever the fuck is playing with you heard you scream like a girl. You're such a girl when it comes to this." I told him.

The fighter falls in loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora