Chapter 34

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Hello I'm here to tell you that this is the last entry in my book about books and in two or more weeks it will be my first entry in middle school adventure, legit I know but this book will continue June 14, 2016, or next summer if you will. I will make sure that I don't leave out any details. I'm going to write the prologue today or tomorrow, but instead of weekly updates it'll be daily so... Yay... Idk. Back to the last entry, my book about books is going to have a cover contest, yeah I realized I can't have a book that's like really hard to find a cover for in a book contest, so this should be pretty easy. You have a week and two weeks if you want to enter for the middle school adventure. A little harder I know, but it can be done.

Anyway I kinda have some questions for you. My readers, have any of you been to gentry before or have answer to these questions please comment below.

1: Do we have full size...

Wtf blue bell is coming back mid September.

Oh do we have full size lockers?

2: Do you have to shower in gym?

3: any other answers you have for me or question you want me to answer?

Ok bye see you in two weeks.

Bye your school supplies,

Ps. My school supplies cost 200.00 for that only and I don't even have my backpack yet.

Pps. Clothes and shoes cost a total of 300.oo holy sh..

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