Chapter 28

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July 4, 2015,

My latest dream was, of Hannah, Kayla, Lexi, Madeleine, and I.

We were having a sleep over at my house, when my mom wanted to go to the store tho get snacks, only two of us could go cause Its was My Mom, Nalah, and Mariah, so me and Lexi went.

While at the store, getting strawberries, me, and Lexi where skipping through the aisles when, Lexi accidentally bumped into a lady in front of us. She turned around, and guess What.

Chandler, and Lexi, reunite. My mom said Sorry and them became friends with Her.

Ok this part is stupid, because my mom is already friends, with chandler's mom, but a dreams a dream so.

We sat down on the wall i let lexi sit next to Chandler. And i woke up.

Then fell back asleep after the slumber party, when my mom took a sudden turn in chandler's neighbor hood.

And went to his house, and it was for sale. When walking up the stairs i told chandler. "We meet again poo poo butt!"

Then the railing broke, endi died. He was crying. But im like no more poo poo buttz

The end,

Ps: #endpoopoozeverywhere

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