M: Yeah of course, there is no party without the twins!

V: Yeah the party don't start till I walk in!

M: Listen Naomi wants to talk to you.

V: Okay.

N: Hey!

V: Hiya!

N: So I have news, I've told Marcus, and he said wait for the party to tell you but I just can't hide it from you!

V: What is it? You have me intrigued.

N: Ready?... I'm pregnant!

V: Oh my god really? I'm so happy for you two, got any names yet?

N: Yeah, if it's a girl, Lucy and if it's a boy Thomas.

V: Oh my god! I'm so happy!

N: Wait for it... I want you to be the Godmother!

V:... Are you serious! Omg! I love you! Wow! I'm gonna be a Godmother, you know how much this means to me Naomi, oh wow. Calm down Verity, breathe. Ok so when the party?

N: 7, but I want you to come earlier, so we can have a girly chat and plan a bit for... umm well yeah, I'll explain later, I have to go V, but see at... 6?

V:Yeah see you then!

N: Bye!


I hung up. Plan for what? Nevermind, Imma be a godmother.

'So who was that?' Joe came from the bedroom,

'Oh, it was my cuz, he is throwing a party tonight at his and he invited me' I said, he looked at me in deep thought for a while and then joined me on the couch.

'When is it?' He asked, he was obviously on to something.

'7, but Naomi want me to be there early, 'cuz of girl things.' I say, his face lights up,

'Wait...Is your cousin called marcus by any chance?' he asked, I nodded.

'Marcus Butler, I thought you would know him because of youtube and all that jazz. I just didn't want to say 'Hey, my cousin's Marcus Butler' I didn't want to seem like a show off, y'know.' I say in all honesty.

'It is a small world' He says as scooches closer towards me. 'You know, I had a dream last night...' He says, and I can't help but say something sarcastic.

'You tend to that when you go to sleep you know.' I smirk at him and I move closer and he puts his arm around me. We both look out the window to the beautiful view of London. 'Are you going tell me what the dream was about or are you just going to leave me hanging?' I ask. He pulls me closer to him and my head is resting on his shoulder. I wish I could stay like this forever.

'Well.. You were in it' He said.

'Oh really' I looked up at him and wiggled my eyebrows and we had a little giggle.

'Yeah and I didn't quite understand at first, but now I know what it means.' I looked up confused and he looked down to me, 'it was like lots of different times we could of meet each other. One for example, was when I went to see your brother and you were round his, then the other was at a party and then my favourite was when you broke down your car and it was raining and I had to drive you to your old flat.'

'Why was that one your favourite?' I asked.

'Because, I kissed you and you kissed me back.' I smiled at him, then he leant in. Our lips touched and fireworks went off, I could do this all my life. It quickly turned into a snog as I felt his tongue brushing up against mine. He then pulled me on to his lap and I put my legs around his waist. It turned heated quickly, his hands were wandering down my back and my fingers were brushing throw his soft hair. He pulled me even closer, so there was no gap between us. His hands crawled under my shirt and I felt him rest his hands on the small of my bare back. I'm deeply, painfully and extremely in love with him. I wanted to show him that I loved him...But he asked me to be his girlfriend less than 24 hours ago, I don't want to come on as desperate. He pulled away and our foreheads were up against each others. 'I love you, so much V. I feel like if you left me I would just die!' He said over exaggerated I sat up and laughed, then shook my head. 'What I would! I don't know what I would do without you.' I looked in to his deep blue eyes and got lost, then I kissed him.

'Well, to be honest I do know what I would do without you...' He looks at me confused, 'I would on the couch right now, eating chocolate and crisps, I would also be moping about being forever alone.' He laughed.

'Come here you' he said bringing me into a kiss. It got pretty heated again and he was about to take his top off, when a cough broke our passionate moment. I looked over Joe's shoulder to see who it was and I was shocked and embarrassed.

'Dad?' Joe turned around and I got off his lap, I looked back at Joe and he was a beetroot. Mum used to walk in on Milo and I, so I knew how to deal with it, but I think dad is different as his eye haven't peeled off of Joe. I walk towards him, 'why are you here? I'm not being rude, but I wasn't expecting to see you this morning.' He switched his glance to me.

'Well I thought I would stop bye and say hi...But I obviously came at the wrong time.' He said, I looked back at Joe who was still blushing like mad. 'Listen, I'm sure you've had the phone call already from Marcus, I've just got off the phone with him and I told him that he and Naomi can have their holiday at the villa. It is big enough, he said to ask you first.' Holiday, what holiday? I nodded.

'Yeah, I would be great for Naomi to see the villa, and yeah it has plenty of room.Oh and dad can Joe come to Thailand with me for a few months?' I looked towards Joe who was smiling at me, I melted.

'Yeah, that's fine, but he'll have to go over with Marcus, as you'll be very busy the first few weeks.' I sighed.

'Ok then, thanks for stopping by' I hugged him and when I pulled away he shook Joe's hand.

'You'll have to check out around 12, I'll see you soon Verity I love you, bye' My dad said as he left.

'Bye, love ya too' I felt good saying that to Dad, I really feel like he has changed.

I really want to get back to Joe and I's make out session, but when I looked at the time I realised that we had 20 minutes to check out and get going. 'We have 20 minutes, so we better get everything ready' I said to Joe as I walked into the bedroom. I could see that Joe was as gutted as I was, about not finishing the make out session.

____A couple of minutes later____

'Joe, Chaimberlin is here!' I shouted to Joe, soon enough he came out of the hotel and we hopped into the car. I told Chaimberlin everything, well not everything, but the things he needed to know.

'So, I'll see you in Thailand Verity' He said as we pulled up outside my house.

'I guess so' I said getting out of the car. I hugged him as we said our goodbyes, 'I missed you.' I whispered into his ear. He left and Joe and I parted after a goodbye kiss.

AN:Thank you so much for voting and reading this story. Leave a comment down bellow on your opinion so far. I want you to try and guess what Naomi wanted to talk about with Verity and then person who guesses first will be a new character in the story and you'll get to choose what you do in it as well for the first few chapters. Thanks again! Check out the prologue for a book I'm going to start after I finish this one, if you like the supernatural then you'll love it. Joe is in it and so is Zoe, well there not themselves they have different names and Joe is a Vampire so yeah definitely not real life. Please have a look at it and if you want me to start writing the first chapter than I will, just comment on it. Byee! xx

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