Chapter 16

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I look into the distance. The trees slightly move as the wind blows. It’s finally starting to kick in, that you are gone. I still can’t say it out loud.

I lean my head on your tombstone.

“I miss you.” I whisper.

I sit there and think. I think about what happened the day you wrote me that letter. The doctor had told me what was going to happen. And I- I couldn’t handle it.


I wake up and stretch. God hospital chairs are uncomfortable. I glance over and see Ellie fast asleep on the hospital bed. She's been here for a week. I hope we can go home tomorrow, but I’m not sure since she can barely speak and she is extremely weak. My head pops up as the doctor walks through the door.

“Ah, Mr. Styles, you’re just who I need to talk to.”

“Erm… Sure.”

“Let’s step into the hall.”

I look over at Ellie.

“She will be fine. Come on now.” He says while guiding me out.

“Is she alright?”

“Well… Let me tell you what we know. I spoke with her earlier about what is going on, about how her medication didn’t respond. I know when she first came in you two were in a small fight since she didn’t tell you about her kidney infection.”

I stay silent.

“Anyways, the infection is spreading to other organs.”

“But… What- what does that mean? I-its curable isn’t it?”

He gives me a blank stare.

His hand rest on my shoulder “It’s only going to get worse.”


“You might want to say your goodbyes.”

“No.” I barely say.

“No!” I scream.

The nurses down the hall look my direction but I don’t care.

“This can’t happen!” I yell, hurting my throat.

“Mr. Styles, calm down!”

“Calm down? Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? The love of my life is dying!” I cry.

I sink down the wall. My hands brush through my hair. Tears stain my cheeks.

“Nurse, can you help Mr. Styles?”

“Sure doctor.”

“Come on. Let’s get you out of here.” She says while taking my arm.

I stand up and yank my arm back.

“I would just like… I need some alone time with her.”

They nod and walk away. I slowly walk in and quietly shut the door.

Ellie is awake and sitting up, she weakly smiles at me.

“I guess he told you.” Her voice is barely over a whisper.


I walk towards her and stand by the bed.

“Ellie, you have to keep fighting.” I can already feel tears building.

“I’m trying. Harry, I am so weak… I’m not sure how much longer I can stay.”

“Ellie, please…” At this point tears slowly roll down my cheeks, landing on her sheets.

“Come here babe.”

She scoots over and pats the spot beside her. I sit next to her. She lies back, pulling me with her. She put my head on her chest. Her hands play with my hair.

“Harry, can we- can we just enjoy the time we have?”

I nod, wiping away my tears. My arm drapes over her stomach. I feel her shallow breathing and I hope that this is just a bad dream. That I will wake up tomorrow, with her by my side, healthy as can be. But I know it won’t happen.



Sorry its so short but I hope you all enjoyed it! 


I Will Wait...(A Harry Styles Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora