Chapter 17

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When I had woken up from that little nap we had you were wake. You look at me with your look. You told me you loved me and that you were sorry.

You told me goodbye.

The wounds on my heart are still fresh.


“What do you mean goodbye?”

“Harry… I know I will be gone soon, possibly tomorrow.”

“That's just… No.”


“Ellie, you have to try harder. You have your whole life ahead of you. You just celebrated your nineteenth birthday a couple of weeks ago!”

“I know.” She says softly and calm.

Her eyes are red and puffy. She has been crying.

“I’m sorry Ellie. I should have never of left that morning just for stupid donuts. I could have gotten you here sooner. Maybe they could have done something.”

“Oh babe… It isn’t your fault. It’s my body’s fault.”

“But I could have-”

She cuts me off “Could have gotten me here sooner. Not take this disease away from me.”

I look down.

“Do Louis and your mum know?”

“They know you are here but not the details. Mum will be here in about an hour. There is a hug storm where Louis is at and the airport isn’t letting planes fly… He may not be able to come.”

She smiles.

“Was he doing charity work?”


“Well good. It’s for a good cause. When you talk to him tell him its okay and that I love him.”


“Stop. I don’t want to sound mean but I am really tired and can’t talk anymore.”

“That’s alright.”

I place a kiss on her cheek and step out into the hallway. I quickly dial Louis’ number.

“Harry, is everything okay?”

“Not really.”

“Is it Ellie?”

“Yes.” I whisper.


“The infection… It-it spread to other-it spread to other organs. Louis, it isn’t- they can’t cure it. And she will…” I can’t finish. I can’t say the word out loud.

“Die?” he murmurs so low I can hardly hear him.

I nod my head but then remember I’m on the phone. “Yes.”

“Oh my god. Harry I am trying to come in but I-“

I cut him off “Ellie wanted me to tell you that it’s okay and that she loves you.”

“Can I- can I talk to her?” he sounds like he is on the verge of tears.

“I will have her call you when she wakes up.”


“I will let you know what’s going on.”

“Okay. Bye Harry.”

“Bye Louis.”

“Oh and Louis.”


“I know we don’t usually say stuff like this but I love you.”

“I love you too Harry.”

With that we hang up.

I walk down to the waiting room. Mum should be here soon. I take a seat in the back corner, away from everyone else. My eyes shut, trying to find some sort of peace. It seems like everything is going sour. Life will never be the same.

I feel a tap at on my knee. “Harry.”

I open one eye and see my mum standing there. Her hair is thrown up in a ponytail and she’s in sweats and an old t-shirt. There are bags under eyes. She looks rough.

I stand up and embrace her. Her head rest on my shoulder.

“Is going to be alright?”

I let go of her and look her in the eyes. I slowly shake my head.

“The infection… It spread to other organs. They can’t- there’s nothing they can do.”

She starts crying heavily. I pull her back into me. I want to tell her that everything is okay and that Ellie will make it but the words won’t come out. I can’t bring myself to lie.

“Can I- can I see her?” she spits out.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and walk her to the room. I knock on the door and peek in. Ellie is sitting there, her eyes wide open, staring at nothing. Mum rushes over to her. With one hand she grabs Ellie’s hand and with the others she pushes Ellie’s hair back.

She softly says “Hey honey.”

Ellie slowly smiles.

“Hi.” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

Mum’s lips start to quiver as tears slide down her cheeks. With shaky hands, Ellie wipes them away.

“Th-thank you.” Ellie says slowly.

“What for?”

“For being… My mum…”

Can tell it’s a struggle for her to talk. She rests her head back on the pillow and closes her eyes.

“I love you darling.” Mum says while kissing the top of Ellie’s head.

I walk into the hallway with her.

“She doesn’t have much time, does she?”

“It gets worse every minute…”

“What about her mum?”

“It’s not like she cares, but I did call her.”


“She wanted to know if Ellie had any money she was going to leave for her.”

“You’re joking.”

“I’m not. Her ‘mum’ sickens me.”

“I know sweetie. She isn’t a very kind woman.”

I just nod.

“I’m going to go get some food from the cafeteria. You want anything?”


She says okay and makes her way there. I sit outside Ellie’s room. I can’t believe this. I try to think of other things but it always brings me back to Ellie. How she looks sitting on that bed, so sad and weak, that isn’t how it should be. I wish I could trade places with her. I just don’t want it to be her.

I stand up and go back into her room. I tap her shoulder. “Scoot over.”

She smiles and moves. I lay next to her. I find her hand and entwine our fingers together. She softly squeezes my hand and drifts off to sleep.

Will this be the last time she will ever fall asleep? Will she wake up? Can she overcome this?

All I can do is hope. That’s the only thing we have right now, is hope.

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