Chapter 14

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I’m walking across a field. It’s beautiful and sunny. In the distance I see a figure. As I get closer I see that it’s Ellie.

“Ellie!” I yell.

She looks up and smiles. We start running towards each other.

Suddenly, it’s dark and raining. The ground falls underneath me. I hold on to the edge, trying not to fall into the hole.

“Ellie help me!”

She peeks over the edge.

“Not until you save me.”


She cocks her head to the side and grins.

“Read it.”

Her hands meet mine. I think she is going to pull me up but instead she throws me off.

I pop up right before I hit the ground. Drenched in sweat, I sit up, making the journal fall off my chest. I must have fallen asleep while reading.

That dream scared me down to the bone. I have to read your letter. There is no way around it.

But I think I want to try to see you before I read it.

I reach over to where my phone is sitting. I dial Louis’ number. Just as I think he isn’t going to answer, he does.

“Hey Harry.” He says. He sounds like he has been running.

“Louis what are you doing?”

“I just- hold on one second.”

He takes in a few breaths of air.

“Sorry I just had to run to make it to the gate on time at the airport. John, the guy that helps me run the charity football games, called me and something happened. There was a mix up with the date of one of the games and I can’t solve it over the phone.”

“Oh. Well I guess I’ll let you go.”

“No, I can talk for about five more minutes.”

“I just wanted to tell you that I am going to see her.”

“Really? Have you read the letter?”

“No… I’m going to read it after maybe even during. I’m not sure.”

“You sure you can do that?”

“I think I can handle it. I went through some of her stuff like you told me too. It helped some. I think- I might go today.”

“Do you need me?” he says, full of concern.

“No I’ll be fine. You need to help with the charity. But please stay close to a phone. Just in case.”

“I will Harry.”

“Bye Tommo.”

“Bye Styles.”

I hang up and lay back on the bed.

This is it.

I am going to see you.

I pace back and forth.

What is going to happen? I have a feeling I might just breakdown. That can’t happen.

I debate on what to wear. I change five times before I settle on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white tee with a black blazer, and a pair of my beat up converse.

I run my fingers through my hair.

Grabbing your letter and keys, I take once last look into the mirror. I hope I am presentable enough for you.

It’s a nice day outside. There isn’t a cloud in sight. A slight breeze hits my face. This is your favorite type of weather.

I take a seat behind the wheel and start the car. I put it in gear and drive off.

On the way I actually listen to the radio. I think of your laugh and smile. It’s what you would want me to do.

After a thirty minute drive, I make it to where you are. I spot you under the big oak tree.

With shaky legs, I walk towards you. 


Sorry the chapter is so short. You'll find out more about the location in the next chapter. I love you all and thank you for reading.


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