Chapter 13

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Thinking back to that still makes me angry. I can’t understand why someone would treat you so badly. I close my eyes and count to ten. I can still hear your voice in my head.

“Harry, when you feel mad just close your eyes and count to ten. It will help.”

I walk over to our- well my closet to put the picture in there for right now. I freeze when I see the box.

It’s the box of your things.

The box you will never come and pick up.

Louis said I need to go through your things. He said it would help me. I hope he is right.

I drag the box out. Slowly opening the lid, I take a big breath.

The first thing I spot is the sweater you stole from me three years ago. I sigh and pull it out. It still has your sweet scent.

The next thing I pull out is a few pieces of paper. I look and see my familiar hand writing.


Gone to get donuts for breakfast!



Picking Louis up from the airport. See you soon!



Just wanted to let you know I love you!!!!


My stomach clenches as I read them. I had no idea you kept these. They were just simple little notes I left for you…

I put them aside and pull out a few more things. I see your Coldplay concert ticket, several movie tickets, and the corsage from your prom my mum had done for you. I can’t help but smile.

I add them to the stack and keep digging. I see a handful of pictures. The first picture is from Louis’ mum’s birthday party. It’s of me, you, and Louis. We are all covered in cake thanks to Louis. All of us were laughing and smiling so big. I haven’t laughed that hard since you left. Behind that one is another one. It’s a picture of me. I had just woken up. My hair is a mess. My smile is gentle. I remember looking at you softly and thinking how amazing you looked. When I close my eyes I see your familiar dimples and hear your voice “Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!”. I look through the others; they are just snapshots of random things like flowers and trees. I start to put them aside but then I see one more. It’s of me and you a few months after we met. We have our arms around each other. You giving me your look and laughing. I’m looking at you intensely with a grin. I remember in that moment I had realized I loved you. We had only known each other for a short amount of time but I knew… I knew you were the one for me.

I hold back my tears and put the pictures aside.

It’s okay. I can do this. I’m half way through the box.

There are several paintings and sketches you have done. One of the sketches is of me. Its looks like you did this when I was asleep. That is just like you. You always said I looked like an angel when I slept.

Under those I spot leather. That’s odd. I pick it up. Turns out it’s a journal, I didn’t know you had one. The cover has your name engraved on it. Stickers and little doodles cover it. Even though I shouldn’t I open it. The first few pages are torn out. I wonder why she did that. The date on the first page is April, 5th 2010. That’s a week after we met.

Dear diary,

So I ripped out the first few pages I wrote because they were full of bad memories. Also remember the boy Harry I mentioned? I thought he was odd at first. I mean who comes up to someone at a homeless shelter and just starts talking to them? That’s just weird. But he is a lovely boy. I’ve gotten to know him a bit better over this past week. He is so friendly and funny. Not to mention he is cute! 

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