Long is the Night Part-3

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The dying fire illuminated just enough of the man's face for Oliver to crush all doubt at what he was seeing. Confusion and disbelief washed over him as Oliver looked directly into the man's face, his own face. Somehow Oliver was facing himself, a slightly altered version of himself but himself none the less. Oliver studied the man across from him and searched for something to prove that he was simply trying to deceive him with a mask or some type of trick. All the familiar features became quickly apparent as also accepted that he was somehow looking at himself. His mind desperately searched for an answer, clawing at any sense of reason that remained. The impossibly real hulicenation of Oliver remained quiet and only looked at him, as if trying to communicate with his beaten glare.

"There's only one way to survive...and that's killing your weakness." Slade's voice began, no more than a whisper in Oliver's ear.

"What you're planning to do will take everything you have." He continued, speaking of Oliver's plans to return to Starling and save his city. The thought had dwelled on Oliver for a long time, as to whether or not he would be up to the task of fighting for more than his own survival. With what he had to do and become to survive these past years, perhaps giving into this monster inside him was the only way to accomplish his goal.

"There's only one way to survive." Slade pleaded, a hint of Oliver's own voice echoing behind the words.

"Embrace what you are." The voices said, urging Oliver to kill of his weakness within himself and become what he was slowly turning into. His heartbeat thundered throughout his chest, all instincts pushing to give in and embrace the beast he was turning into to survive.

"No." Oliver whispered, knowing that he was now fighting an incredible internal battle for his very soul. What he had done to survive was turning him into something he couldn't allow himself to fully become, and his mind had created this haunting image of himself to remind him of that.

"I'll see you again kid." Slade ended as he walked behind Oliver and dissapeared. Oliver glanced back to the dying fire and saw no one standing there and no more voices in his head, the battle for his soul was over for now.

The pistol snapped up from it's holster and stopped at Slade's side, where Oliver grabbed ahold of his wrist and kept the weapon away from him. The two men struggled for control of the sidearm, both now covered in scrapes and cuts from the intense battle. Felicity lay nearby, still recovering from Slade throwing her into a desk after she struck him over the head with a chunk of wood. Oliver pushed through the pains allover his aching body as he knocked the pistol out of Slade's hand, dropping the weapon to the floor away from them both. Slade angerly retaliated by forcing his opponent against the weakened railing overlooking the abandoned factory floor, causing the metal beams to shutter under the sudden pressure. He followed up by punching Oliver several times, drapping half of his body over the railing. The metal beam shook violently as the sudden amount of weight on top of it shifted, compromising the stability of the railing. Oliver pushed himself away from the railing and hit Slade with a series of well placed strikes to his upper torso, moving both men back toward the ancient elevator. The cobweb covered gate rattled as both men slammed into it, grappling one another and fighting for the upper hand. Slade threw his knee into Oliver's stomach multiple times and followed up by throwing his weakened enemy away from the elevator gate and onto the floor. The wooden floor buckled as Oliver rolled to the small section of wall beside the railings beginning, a dust filled window shaking as he struck the old wall. He slowly looked up at Slade and caught his breath as he pushed himself up to his hands and knees, unable to reach his feet at the moment.

"There's only one way to beat me...and you know it." Slade taunted, noting Oliver's fatigue and exhaustion. He knew what Oliver would become if he gave into his inner beast, proving that he was no hero.

"No." Oliver whispered, stumbling as he tried to stand and instead fell back to his knees. Slade closed the distance between them and lifted his knee toward Oliver's jaw, preparing to end the fight. A split second before his knee struck Oliver's jaw a forearm blocked the attack and grabbed ahold of his leg. Oliver jumped to his feet and threw Slade's leg down, wasting no time as he struck his enemy with a barrage of punches and kicks. The lightning fast attacks pushed Slade back as he struggled to defend himself. Oliver ended his attacks with two incredibly powerful punches directly to Slade's jaw, one after another. The final strike rung out as Slade collapsed to the floor into the darkened corner, his body falling limp immediately. Oliver examined his opponent and slowly staggered back toward Felicity, needing to make sure she was alright before he did anything else.

"Felicity." He began, speaking between breaths as he limped back toward the main room. He spotted her pushing herself onto her hands and knees, blood and bruises covering her beaten face. She forced a smile upon seeing him, unbelievably thankful that he was still alive. Oliver released a sigh as he saw her face, knowing she was going to be alright. A panic filled expression instantly overcame Felicity's face as she cried out Oliver's name before a burning sensation struck his chest. A blood stained blade emerged from Oliver's upper chest as he glanced down at the stinging he felt. Slade forcibly ripped the blade from Oliver's back and threw him against the elevator gate, holding him steady with his free hand as he angled the katana directly toward his heart. The hate filled glare in Slade's eye burned through the darkness as Oliver fought to keep from slipping into shock from the sudden blood loss.

"If you won't die as a monster than you'll die as a coward." Slade finished, snapping his arm back and preparing to plunge the blade into Oliver's heart. A group of well placed gunshots struck Slade's chest and knocked him back, his armor stopping the bullets but not the temporary sting from every hit. He looked over and saw the smoke rising from the pistol in Felicity's hand, his sidearm that he had dropped earlier. An evil roar began to erupt from Slade as he dove at Oliver, his sword held high. The breif pause in his attack was exactly what Oliver needed to gather his strength and retaliate. He evaded the blade and grabbed ahold of Slade's arm, knocking the sword away from him and striking him with a powerful hit to the throat. Slade stumbled back as the sudden disorientation took hold of him, angling him directly in front of the ancient glass window beside the railing. Oliver glared at his enemy, the man who had taken his mother's and Captain Lance's lives and tried to claim many others in his quest for vengeance. A wave of determination washed over Oliver as he fought to stay on his feet, refusing to give up. He knew he had to finish this, but it would be his decision and not Slade's. Oliver stepped forward and threw his foot up into Slade's chest, knocking him backwards through the window. The glass exploded in a glorious crackle as Slade uncontrollably crashed through the window, the shocked expression in his eye screaming out as he flew through the air. The dust covered glass shattered and gave way as Slade dropped to the factory floor below, landing in a pile of old pallets. The brief shower of broken glass reflected off of the light piercing through the outter windows as it rained down toward the factory floor with Slade's twisting body accompanying it. The massive crash echoed throughout the entire factory floor as Slade lay motionless in the pile of debris, broken glass and shards of wood covering his beaten body. A violent gasp escaped his lips as he laid buried in debris, still alive but defeated. Oliver stepped away from the newly formed hole in the wall beside the balcony and turned toward Felicity, dropping to his knees as he called her name. The blood dripping from his jacket left a trail on the floor to his current location as he collapsed to his hands and began to crawl.

"Oliver!" Felicity cried out as she stumbled beside him and dropped down, clutching his head in her lap. His eyes started to fade as he looked up and checked to make sure she was alright. Tears fell from Felicity's eyes as she cradled Oliver in her arms, fighting to keep pressure on his wound as she begged him to stay awake. The blood ran through her fingers as Oliver's battered chest rose and fell, slowing as time passed. His eyes fought to stay open, needing to see Felicity's face and guarantee that she was safe. Her hand cupped the side of Oliver's face, his eyes finally falling victim to his exhaustion and wounds.

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