Chapter 6

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Harry POV.

The light in the room was dim, I sat here at her bedside till she fell asleep. I sat here watching her breath, watching the way her hand cradled over our unborn child. As I sat here watching her, the overwhelming feeling of love I felt for her was so intense. Yes I loved my son but this was a different kind of love than the love you have for your child.

This woman was everything to me and it broke my heart knowing that I didn't belong to her, I belonged to another. There was another woman who I cared for, cared for differently than what I felt for Raya but I still had feelings for Sarah and this is why I was so torn between the two of them.

I reached my hand up and smoothed her hair back from her face, a soft sigh escaped her lips. She was at peace at the moment, not sign of worry showing on her beautiful face. I stood and pressed my lips softly against her forehead, it was getting late and I had to get back to the hotel. Grayson would be waking soon for his two am feeding and I wanted to be there for that, I hated that Sarah would allow the nanny to do it when I wasn't there. I wanted to spend some time with my son. I quietly walked towards to door.

"Harry...." her soft voice echoes through the room,  I stop and turn to look at her, her eyes barley opened but she was reaching for me.

"You are suppose to be sleeping Love." I tell her taking her outreached hand.

"Kiss me." she says softly, not opening her eyes.

I bend down and press my lips to hers, it is sweet and soft. I pull back and she smiles, her eyes still closed.

"Thank you." She whispers and falls back to sleep.

I kiss her forehead once more before I turn and leave the room. I make my way down to the front of the hospital, there will be a car waiting for me, this time of the morning there shouldn't be anyone around to spot me leaving.

Which is the case, I get in the car and head back to the hotel. There are a few fans outside, along with a few paps, I get out of the car and keep my head down . I have no security with me so I am not stopping.  I make my way across the lobby, it is quiet no one is around.  I press the button for the elevator and I wait for it to take me up to the suite.  I really hope Sarah is awake as I don't feel like dealing with her.  She was adamant that we needed to have another baby. Her excuse was that she had no siblings so she wanted Grayson to have at least three. Since she quit her job in LA and moved to London, she said she had more than enough time for more babies .  My argument was that she never spent enough quality time with our son.  She would say to me that is what nannies are for.

I know raya was going to be so active in our daughter life, I just hope that I could play an active part , with me being in London and Raya here in the states, it was going to make it hard. I sigh and chuck my coat on the sofa and make my way into the nursery that I had set up in this suite. I pause and look into the crib, my son is awake and just lying there quietly. His little arms and legs are kicking up a storm and he is trying to make noises and his mobile of teddy bears hanging above him. I cross the room and place my hands I the railing of the crib, he notices me right away and he is all smiles .

"Hey little guy." I say leaning forwards to pick him up in my hands, pull him close to my chest. He snuggles into me. I love the feeling of him in my arms. "I bet your bottom needs changed."
I place him on change table and he flaps his arms and legs making it hard for me to change him.

"Little guy you need to calm down." I chuckle and finish up with his nappy.

"Do you need me to help you Mr. Styles." Gena the nanny asked coming into the room with his bottle. "I heard you through the monitor and got his bottle ready."

"Thank you Gena." I smile at her, she was so much help. "I think I have it from here."

She smiles at me. "How is your friend and her baby doing?" She asks, I told her about Raya a few night ago, leaving out details of the actual situation.

"They are both doing okay."

"That is good to here. If you don't need anything I will go back to bed."

"We are good , thank you." I smile
At the kind woman. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mr. Styles."

I feed my boy his bottle and settle back to bed. I glance at my watch seeing it is almost three am. I make my way into the bedroom, trying to quiet. I shed my clothes and climbed into bed, not wanting to wake Sarah. I settle on my back and place my arm above my head.

"It is three am." Her voice says softly.

I feel her shift and face her body towards me, I turn to face her. I see her eyes searching mine.

"Are you going to spend every night with her?"

I sigh because I know where this conversation was going to go and how it was going to end.

"I don't feel like fighting with you."

"You don't feel like being around me. We were fine before she came back into our lives, you should have left Niall take care of her. Why you Harry?" She said looking at me. "You shouldn't have fucked her after you just asked me to marry you. You are my husband and in am not giving up on our marriage."

I don't answer any of her questions as I see tears fallen down her face.

"Sarah don't cry.........please don't cry." I pull her into my arms and try to get her to stop.

"I just feel like I am going to lose you." She sobs into my chest.  " I love you and Grayson so much."

"Things will work out." I tell her cupping the side of her face.  I feel her breath on mine right before her lips brush against mine.  She pushes her body against mine.  Her skin is soft against mine.

"Make love to me." She pleads looking into my eyes.  I give in, as I need the physical connection.  I roll her over onto her back and settle between her legs.  Her hands push down my boxers, freeing my hardened member, her hand pumps up and down.  I slide my hand down over her stomach to her core to see if she was ready for me, which she was.  I reach over to the bedside table and grab a condom.

"WhAt are you doing?" She asks as I put the condom on. 

I silence her with a kiss and push into her at the same time. 

"Oh god Harry." She moans as I roll my hips against hers over and over again.  She meets my movements, we move together . 

My thoughts are all over the place as I am pushing in and out of her.  I had to make this marriage work, she was my wife.  I had to break things off with Raya.  I could not lead her on.  I would be there for her and the baby but I needed to also be here to my family, to the commitment I made to this woman lying beneath me, giving me her all.

I stop movements and kiss her softly.

"I love you." I say as she pushes her hips up.  My eyes roll back on my head .

"I love you, now make me come undone." She whispers before kissing me. 

And I do just that, over and over again until we both are spent and fall asleep.

Authors note

I published this chapter before it was done as I am writing it on my phone .  Vote and comment please. 

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