Chapter 5

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29 Weeks.

I have been in the hospital four weeks now, it feels like it has been forever.  I am confined to this room and bed.  I have bathroom privileges and that is it.  I am cranky and miserable to be around.  My blood pressure is stable as long as the keep my IV medication going, my ankles are still non existence, I am puffy everywhere and I look like shit.

"Rayalyn you really need to stop looking at twitter." My mother tells me from across the room.  She knows me too well.  I have been keeping tabs on Harry when he isn't here at the hospital with me.  He comes every day, sometimes morning, afternoon or in the evening.  I love when he comes in the evening because he always stays till I fall asleep.

"Mom I can't help it." I whine dropping my phone on to my bed and I look in her direction.  She is sitting in Kyle's said chair knitting a baby blanket.  I didn't even know that she could knit.  "He looks happy." I say with a sigh.   

There are pictures of him and Sarah out and about in the city, the ones that really caught my eye was the three of them at the Santa Claus parade.  Which was just yesterday, I hated that I had to spend thanksgiving in here.  My mom and Kyle had spent the day with me, Harry came in before I went to sleep.

My mom sighs and looks at me.  "He cares for you as well." 

"I know that mom.  There are times when I want to fight for him, I want what they have......I want us to be a family.......but there are times  like I don't want to ruin what he has.  The light in his eyes when he is with them.  That beautiful little boy." I say and I can feel pressure in my head starting to build as I am getting upset.  I wipe away the tears that are fallen down my face.  "I want that for her mostly." I cry as I run my hand over my growing stomach.

"Raya you need to calm down." she warns as my monitor for my BP starts to ring off,  not seconds later my nurse comes through the door.

"Miss Anderson you need to take some deep breaths." She tells me as she looks over the monitors.  She checks the fetal monitor second to make sure my little one is still happy in there.  "Your blood pressure is higher right now that it has been in a few days. Is something upsetting you."

"No." I lie looking at the younger nurse.  "I might have to sedate you." she tells me looking the numbers over again.  "I am going to call the doctor on call."

I turn my head and notice my mother on her phone, she is texting someone.

"Harry is on his way." she tells me gathering her things up.  "He seems to be the only thing that can calm you."

I sigh knowing she is right.  As soon as I see him my body seems to relax.  I am so in love with him.  I just want him here with me all the time, but I don't push as I know he has other responsibilities.  

My mother comes over and kisses my forehead.  "I will see you in the morning Ray.....try to stay calm over night."

"I you."

"Love you too sweetie.  Harry will be here in a few minutes, he texted and said the car dropped him off and he is in the building."

"Okay." I tell her as she leaves my room.  I run my hand over my belly.  "You need to wake up little one so daddy can feel you kick today."  I sigh and re adjust myself in this stupid hospital bed.  I was so bored and tired of being in this stupid thing.

"Hi Ray."

I looked up and seen Harry rush in the door.  He looked exhausted and stressed.  His brow was furrowed and he forced a smile onto his face.  He crossed the room and pulled up a chair at my bedside.

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