Chapter 7

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Hannah Parks wished she could stay awake for ever.

It was 3am and Hannah was sitting on the kitchen bench with a mug of hot chocolate in her hands, and was willing to stay awake for the remainder of the night. After her screaming fit and her refusal to inform her parents about her dream they eventually took her down stairs to the kitchen and after making her a drink, went back to bed.

That had been over 2 hours ago. She was still sitting in the same spot with the mug in her hands untouched and cold. Hannah had zoned out a long time ago and her eyes were trained onto a crack in the Wall, her mind replaying her dream over and over agin.

To say that she was shaken by the dreams was an understatement to say the least. To be honest she was petrified. The images that were flashing before her became even scarier each time they appeared, yet despite her fears of the dream she was curious. She wanted to know more about what had happened to cause such a battle to erupt, who were those kids and why were they fighting, she wanted to learn more about those creatures. But most importantly she wanted to know why it felt so real.

It wasn't possible for people to feel that kind of emotion in dreams. Sure it could have been a lucid dream, but Hannah was pretty positive that you couldn't feel pain when dreaming, lucid or not.

Not only did she feel the physical pain but she also felt as if all those people were life long friends, and to see them die made her heart feel as if it had been pulled out of her body and ripped apart. That feeling would never happen in dreams, and if it wasn't a dream Hannah wanted to know what it was.

Hannah sighed as she finally forced her self to move. She poured her untouched hot chocolate down the sink and slowly shuffled her way back up stairs to her room. It was now 5am and there was no way that she was going to fall back asleep, so she pulled out her laptop and started to mindlessly scroll though her Facebook feed, not actually paying attention to anything though.

The next time Hannah looked up it was 6:30, had she really been on Facebook that long? She contemplated in her mind what she should do, and after a while she thought it would be best to get dressed for school.

She took her time getting dressed, but slowly she eventually was ready to leave the house.

She dragged herself to the bus stop and once she did she regretted it. It was cold, she was tired and if she had stayed home she might have been able to completely avoid the events that happened that day.


Clint Barton was feeling quite amused to be honest.

He was witnessing Natasha being yelled at by Fury for failing her mission. Not only had she failed her mission but she had also called in the entire crew, beside Bruce of coarse.

He sat, sprawled out on the couch with his feet on the table and had an arrow in between his fingers. He spun the arrow in between his fingers as he watched fury unleash his anger onto Natasha.

Natasha, meanwhile, sat on the chair facing Fury's desk, she maintained her perfect composure, her head held high. From anybody else's perspective in would have looked liked Natasha couldn't give two craps about what Fury was saying, but Clint Knew her too well. From their multiple missions together Clint had gotten to know every aspect of her composure, her personality, her posture, the way she held her self. He could tell that she was pissed off.

Clint smirked. He could see the anger in Natasha's eyes, but it wasn't directed towards Fury. It was towards herself. Never in her life had she failed a mission, an impressive record he had to admit, but last night it had been broken.

The crossing of paths (Percy Jackson & the Avengers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt