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This will be in Qian Xi's point of view.

Zhang Xing looked kinda unwell, as she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

We just finished practice and it was tough! We're currently at a nearby restaurant, waiting for our lunch.

I thought back to this afternoon, when I accidentally leaned in a bit too close to her.

Turning scarlet red, I quickly shook off the thought.

"Dude, you okay?" Yuan asked me, as everyone around the table diverted their attention to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I shrugged.

Then I saw three hooded people, entering the ladies bathroom, that I just saw Zhang Xing enter...

...and suddenly, I don't feel so well anymore.

I could feel something is wrong.

But as Junkai always say, "You think too much, Qian Qian!"

I shrugged off the feeling I was having and quickly forget about the three hooded people.

It wasn't until YiLin mentioned her name that I remembered the three hooded people.

"Where did Chan Zhao go?"

I got confused for a minute. Chan Zhao..? Who's that?

Then it dawned on me.

Oh! It was Zhang Xing.

I knew her real name because of that incident five years ago.

"She went to the toilet." Zhi Homg said.

I creased my eyebrows in confusion.

I know women take a long time in the toilet, but 30 minutes is a ridiculously long time.

I stood up, and said, "Something's wrong. She's gone for 30 minutes."

Bech's eyes widened, "Who talked to her last?"

Zhi Hong and I said at the same time, "I did."

We looked at each other, then back at Bech, "We did."

"Did she tell you where she went?"

I nodded, "She looked unwell and so she went to the bathroom."

Bech stood up immediately, and rushed to the toilet.

She was back a minute later with a familiar phone in her hand. Her face was pale and worried.

"She left her phone..." Bech whispered, her hands gripping the phone tightly.

Then she looked up, "She's in trouble."

Three days.

I took that long to realize how much I need Zhang Xing beside me.

I was worried sick, and we stopped all activities.

She's been missing for that long.

Zhang Xing...where are you?

We were all putting up pictures of her and telling people to contact us if they have seen her.

Missing Girl
21 year old, beautiful model, Luo Chan Zhao, have been missing for three days.

If you have seen her, please contact us at the following number:

I was with Junkai and TingXin. They probably noticed how worried sick I was, but they didn't say anything.

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