Chapter 10

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"I'm sorry."

That was the last thing I heard before one of the hooded girls knocked me out.

*Half An Hour Ago*

I excused myself to the bathroom, and tried to calm down.

I can't shake off the panicky feeling...

As I indulged myself in my thoughts, the door opened and three person entered.

I turned and my blood ran cold.

It was the three of the hooded figures.

I didn't sense any threat from them but I knew I wouldn't want anything to do with them.

I busied myself with washing my hands and my face, trying to not make eye contact with any of them.

Not like I could anyway, under that hood.

"Aren't you wasting a little too much soap just to wash your hands?"

I looked up at one of the hooded figures. The voice sounded female so I assumed she was a girl who was most probably around my age.

I shrugged, "Cleanliness is important to me."

The girl shrugged as she tugged at her hood to cover her face more. The other two kept quiet throughout our conversation. Nonetheless, I felt their stares that sent shivers down my spine.

"Why are you guys wearing the hood?" I tried to make the question sound as casual as possible.

The person  talking to me shrugged slightly before deciding to take off her hood. Immediately, I recognized her from TV.

She was in the girl group, that was currently becoming more and more popular globally, for their cute yet charismatic and cool songs.

Yes yes, I admit I searched up Starlights in my free time. I was curious about the twins.

You guessed it. The hooded person talking to me was the third and youngest member of the Chinese Girl Group, Starlights.

Genesis Chong.

Which meant the other two girls were...

"Gen! What are you doing?!" One of the hooded person who sounded so much like Jia Yee hissed.

"I'm sorry." The other one sighed as she walked to me.

All of a sudden, something hard hit me.

Before I knew it, I fell to the floor, unconscious.

The last thing I heard vaguely was Jia Jia's voice apologizing sincerely to me.

"She's awake."

I slowly opened my eyes as my hands held onto my throbbing head. There were quiet whispers as I shook my head to try and get rid of the throb, only to worsen it.

I squinted my eyes slightly as I tried to stretch. Instead, my arms were pulled back, by chains.

When I regained my strength, I tried pulling again, only with the same results as before.

I groaned, as my head start throbbing more and more.

That was when I realized there were four person in front of me.

Three of them; Jia Jia, Jia Yee and Gen, were standing at the back with their heads low.

The fourth person, who had her hood up, was standing right in front of me.

"You're awake." Her voice sound vaguely familiar.

"No shit." I muttered, glaring up at her. I tried looking into her hood but she would move away.

"What do you want with me? Why am I here? If you want money, I don't fucking have any!" I snapped angrily, pulling at the chains.

The woman, who I assumed to be the leader, let out a hollow laugh.

Her hands inched up to her hood and she snatched off her hood.

I gasped, as my eyes widened in shock.


I frowned, "Alice? What are you doing here?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out, Zhang Xing." She smiled bitterly. I frowned.

"How the-?"

"You think I didn't know? I was there during the incident. I know who you are, honey." Alice drawled, smirking. There was a suspicious glint in her eyes.

I racked my brain for the incident she was talking about, with no results.

Just what is she talking about?

Can she stop beating around the bush and spit it out? I'm tired, hungry and feeling really sick because I was too long in this stinky muddy-

Speaking of that, where was I?

"I don't know what incident you're talking about." I spat venomously, as I tried pulling at the chains again. I'm sure that when I get out, there will be ugly red scars around my wrists.

Alice groaned as she said, "You're the sasaeng that injured Qian Xi years ago!"

The realization dawned on me as I asked, "That was fucking five years ago!"

"Yes...and five years later which is now, you will pay for it."

With that said, Alice turned on her heels and stalked out of the room.

I don't even know if we are still in China. Oh my god, what if she brought me all the way to the other side of the world?

Tears threatened to fall down my face as I sniffed.

"I'm sorry."

My head snapped up quickly at the voice, and I glared angrily at Jia Jia.

"You..." I don't even know what to say to her anymore.

Jia Jia looked at me sadly, as she bent down to my level, "She...Alice is our manager...and in the contract, it's said that we have to do what she says....."

Fear flashed across her eyes, as she said that and somehow, I don't feel so angry at her anymore.


We jumped at the voice, as we all looked at the owner of the name.

Gen looked even more scared, as Jia Yee gave her a comforting squeeze on her shoulders.

With her head held low, Gen scurried out of the room.

I looked at the twins for explanation.

"She's the youngest among us and also Alice's favorite. She gets the best treatment but...she has to do everything Alice says. We don't know what to do.." Jia Yee whispered the last sentence.

Jia Jia sighed as she patted my hand and then quickly left the room, with her sister following behind her.

Okay this is so messed up.

I think I'm gonna fail my maths exam.



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