"Marella, is that anyway to speak to your mother! Can I have a proper 'hello,' Marella Sia?"

I rolled my eyes, groaning internally. If I didn't have at least one ounce of dignity left, I would have stomped my foot. "Hello mama, may I please have a car come and pick me up?" I asked slowly.

Sometimes she was so difficult. She forgets that I'm her daughter and not another intern. My mother runs the research department at the Jeffersonian, where I usually spent most of my summers. Sad, I know. If I wasn't in Washington, I was in New York for school. That's how this used to work. I'd be with her in the summer, school year with Marzia, and vacations with my mother's parents. I was nothing more than a penciled in appointment.

"Now, Marella, that wasn't hard, was it?" I narrowed my eyes at no one in particular. "Now, if you weren't so careless with your phone, you would have gotten my email stating exact where and when you would be pick up."

Careless with my phone? Has she dropped off the face of the planet while I was gone? How could I have let myself think that she would be like Zach and Gray's parents. They flew to Peru just to see them and then flew right back to Chicago. My mother couldn't get off of her high and mighty horse long enough to just come and get me.

"Wait by the North Entrance for Johnson."

"But, I'm closer to the East-"

"Marella do not argue with me!" She hissed. "Now," she said as soon as she regained her composure, "I will see you soon. Amao tu (I love you)." She hung up quickly. Te amo, quogue mater (I love you too mother). I huff and slide the phone in my pocket, heading in the complete other direction. 


The ride home was silent. I didn't know how long my mind could take it. The back and forth of complete silence and chaotic noise. I rest my head on the window. I just wanted to get home.

As soon as the car pulls interesting the driveway, I bolt from my room. Wifi! Finally sweet Wifi! I sprint up the stairs. Shutting the door behind me. I place my bad on my bed, my real bed this time, and run my hands through my hair. Is it bad that I actually longed for the adventure that had came with Jurassic World? I mean, I had spent the whole time on the island wishing to leave it, but one that I finally have left it, I don't know what to do. The people I have grown used to were gone, and I didn't know what to do now. How could I just go back to before after living through all of that?

I sigh and start unpacking. My least favorite thing that came with vacations. At first I didn't recognize the ringing, because it wasn't my pervious ringtone. I reach into my back pocket, my eyebrows pulling together when I saw that it was an unknown number calling me. Usually, I'd let it ring, but I felt like I had to answer it.


"Mari? It's Zach." I blushed as a smile returned to my face. It I wasn't on the phone with him, I would have squealed. Another thing I normally didn't do....

"Zach," I breathed. I didn't know what else to say, I was just glad he called.

"I got your number from Claire. I needed to hear your voice." I felt my face heat up. Somehow, he always knew what to say. "I needed to know you were ok."

"We're off the island, of course my ok. Home is the safest place for me."

"Huh? I always believed home was where the heart was? And I don't feel you in my arms. You must not be all that safe after all." My eyes widened and my heart started to race. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. How is it that he managed to make me feel this way from miles away?

"I don't know, you tell me, baby."

I closed my eyes, wishing to could go back in time and reverse this embarrassing moment. That's what scientists should be doing with their spare time. Making a freaking time machine to go back and see the dinosaurs, not bringing them here...

"You know, Mari, its kind of rude of you to ignore your guest."

I stilled, pulling the phone away from my face. I turn to see Zach, leaning on the doorframe. One of his hands is in his pocket, the other wrapped around a phone. His eyes held the same familiar mischief they did when I first saw him.

I ran to him, engaging his scent. We've only been separated for a few hours but still, it felt like a lifetime since I was in his arms. I rested my cheek on his chest, my arms circling around his lower back. His hand slid up my back, tangling in my hair. I felt his lips kiss my cheek, railing down to the hollow of my neck, then back up again to my lips.

"Zach," I moaned into his mouth, my fingers tugging on his hair. Zach's lips left mine and skimmed down my neck. I took deep breaths. Somehow the logical part of my brain wasn't going to fully cooperate. "How," deep breath, "are you here?"

Zach didn't answer, his hand resting on the small of my back, threatening to go lower. I moaned again as he sucked on my neck and slipped his hand under my shirt. His fingers grazed my skin, rubbing circles, seating each ring on fire.

I griped the back of his shirt until I could take anymore. I held his face, bringing his lips to mine. His large hands kneading the skin at my hips. He turned us around, pushing to the wall. I broke away, holding his face in my hands, resting my forehead on his. Both of us were breathing hard.

I pecked his lips, teasing him. "I love you."

Zach looked me in the eyes, before kissing me long and hard. "I love you."

So that just kinda happened. I hope you guys didn't mind the beginning, even with the lack of Zach. I wanted to show you a glimpse of her life before JW.

Don't forget to vote and comment, it makes me feel all warm inside (not in a weird way)😂😘

Illusion ➵ Zach Mitchellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें