I'd have to thank her later. (Dean Ambrose)

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This was requested by DeanAmbrose92 . I hope you like it sweetheart<3


I haven't been in WWEfor a really long time but people seem to have taken a generaldislike to me. I don't know why, maybe it's my hair which is blackwith red dip dye, I don't know. The only people that really talk tome are The Bella Twins and Eva Marie. Me and Eva have grown quiteclose over the last month or so and we're even becoming a tag teamtogether. We have our first match tonight again Naomi and SashaBanks.

I walk into the lockerroom to be greeted by Eva.

"Hey Trini, how's mylittle Aussie today?"

"I'm good Eva. Howwas the date last night?"

"It was goodactually, really nice."

"I'm glad." Shesmiles at me as I sit beside her.

"So, any guys caughtyour eye so far?"


"Liar! Tell me! Is itZiggler? Or Cody? Or maybe Barrett? Don't tell me it's Miz! Or is itNeville?! Maybe..."

"Eva! Chill!" Shechuckles.

"Sorry, just tell mebefore I beat it out of you."

"It's erm... it'sAmbrose."

"Oh god, that'sadorable!" She stands up, running out of the dressing room. I don'tknow where she went and to be honest, I don't trust her either. Ishake my head and change into my attire, waiting for our match.

After the match

I walk back to thedressing room, tilting my head to the side in confusion. I walk overto my bag to find a single red rose laid on top of it. I hear Evawalk into the room so I turn to face her.

"Do you know who putthis here?" she shrugs and lays on the couch. "Eva, do you knowwho this is?"

"Yes, but I can'tsay. Promised I wouldn't." I sigh, fiddling with the petals, tryingto hide the smile on my face.

A few weeks later.

Ihead into the arena and sit backstage with The Bellas.

"HeyTrini. Eva tells us you have a little secret admirer."

"Yeah,it's kinda cute. Whoever it is keeps leaving flowers and notes in mydressing room. They just keep getting sweeter." They smile at me asthey giggle. "You two know who it is don't you?! Eva told you?"they nod.

"Heythere love." I groan as I turn to come face to face with WadeBarrett. For the past two weeks, he's been bugging me and it's reallyirritating. He keeps flirting with me and I'm not interested.

"Wade,please leave me alone."

"Notso fast babe. Just one date, that's all I ask."

"I'mnot interested!"


"Thelady said she isn't interested Barrett. So do yourself a favour andleave her alone." he huffs before turning on his hell, walkingaway. I look up at whoever stood up for me and gasp. Dean.

"Letme know if he bugs you again."

"Erm..yeah. Thank you."

"Notproblem doll." he winks and leans down, kissing my cheek beforewalking back to his dressing room.

Lateron during the show.

Irub the back of my neck as I stand in the middle of the ring, lookingout into the crowds. Me and Eva just had a mixed 6 man tag match withDean against Nikki, Brie and Daniel Bryan. I groan to myself. Somehowduring this match I landed awkwardly on my neck and I'm reallyfeeling it. I raise my eyebrows at Eva and she looks at me with thesame look of confusion on her face as we watch Dean get a microphonefrom the staff.

"Right,I have a little something to say." This isn't scripted is it? "I'mnot normally great at expressing how I feel but I feel as if I needto. Over the past few months, I've seen this person around andthought she was gorgeous. Then I got to know her and found out herpersonality is just as amazing as she is. I got told she also feelsthe same so Trini?" I look over at him, a blush creeping onto mycheeks. I get passed a microphone as well.

"Erm...yeah Dean?"

"Wouldyou do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" I hear the crowdsdoing the Daniel Bryan Yes! chants and smile.

"Yes!"He smiles, pulling me into a hug and whispers in my ear.

"Bythe way, it was me putting all that in your dressing room. Eva toldme you liked me so she also gave me a hand with it all." I lookover at her to see her smiling at us, giving me two thumbs up. I'dhave to thank her later.

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