Chapter 6 ~ Intruders

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I just finished Tokyo Ghoul season 1 ;~; The feels hit me so badly

Okay, so my plan is to fit in as many events as possible, whether it is from the manga or anime. I'll alert you guys when I am switching to manga events. :3

As I proceeded to walk to the garden to Luna, I heard some chattering in the drawing room. Luna looked at me, with a look that simply said, "Should we go in there?" I nodded. I opened the door only to find an annoyed Ciel, a woman with red hair, and a Chinese man with.. a girl on his lap. "Oh, don't you dare touch my nephew like that!" The woman yelled, holding Ciel. The young boy looked so out of it, he didn't even care what happens to him, he just wants peace.

"Oh, who are you two ladies?" The Chinese man asked, waving at us. 

"Um.. I'm (y/n), and this cute young girl next to me is my sister Luna." I replied with confidence, holding my head up high. "So I heard about you two.. yes, I heard about something strange.." He looked suspicious. I leaned down so I was the same height as Luna, and then whispered to her, "Did Sebastian and Ciel tell us to him..?" He suddenly looked friendly. "So, what were we talking about?" I literally fell down. "Hey!" Luna pouted, crossing her arms. 

I saw Ciel walking out of this place, with an annoyed expression. I decided not to bother him. Luna tugged at my dress, grabbing my attention. "Can we go to the garden now?" She asked. I nodded, and we were off. "So.. (y/n), have you heard of Jack the Ripper?" My sister asked, holding a smile. "Nope. What is it about?" I replied with a question, opening the door to the garden. "It's a murderer who takes out organs of prostitutes." Luna informed. I felt chills run down my spine.

In an attempt to make this chat less eerie, I spoke up. "Luna, where did you learn the word prostitute?" I laughed, closing my eyes. "Hah, I've been on Earth for 100 years. One would think that you would learn that word by now. I would just be an overly slow learner if I didn't know that word!" She giggled, leaving me speechless. We decided to sit down on the grass, watching the flowers and trees as wind goes through them.

"This is so peaceful, it reminds me of the Fayesworth garden.. I wonder how the Fayesworth manor is doing. I heard two blonde twins own it now, they seem really friendly. I once visited the Fayesworth manor, they were really friendly to their servants and the manor. Oh, it makes me glad that our old manor is doing well." Luna ranted, as I listened carefully. "Yeah.." I murmured, deciding to lay down and close my eyes. 

We heard a gunshot suddenly and glass cracking. "What was that?" I said, as I instantly got up, and decided that Luna and I have to go into the manor for safety. "Come on, lets hide." I tried to grab her arm, but she wouldn't let me. "Oh, things like this excite me since I can't die." She giggled, and I decided to leave her alone since I could still die. I sighed. "Luna.." I whispered.

Luna's POV

"Hey, demon. Need some help?" I asked, appearing behind the butler who is aware if the men who shot the glass. "Yes. You can start by helping me corner their vehicle." Sebastian instantly took off without me, and I had to catch up by flying there. "I heard that they found a use to steam." I shouted to the demon butler, who simply responded by saying yes. He's too busy to reply to me.. hah, whatever.

We heard the men shouting and panicking as they tried to report what was happening to the phone. "Th-there are two m-m-monsters catching up to us-" His stuttering was cut off as we finally reached their steam-powered car. Sebastian instantly frightened them, causing them to scream. I landed next to Sebastian, turning back into my original form. He took the telephone from the men. "Hello." He simply said.

"I represent the Phantomhive estate. Would my master happen to be there?" There was silence as the demon was waiting for the man to respond. Better hurry up, I know most demons are impatient. " Hello? What's the matter? Hello?" He was smirking, as he was becoming more and more impatient. "Oh, Sebastian. He's too frightened to answer." I arrogantly answered, narrowing my eyes. "Yes, yes. You are right Luna." 

"Woof." We finally heard. Sebastian's smile grew even wider, knowing he has won. "Very good, my lord. I'll be there to pick you up momentarily." Sebastian whispered, before cutting the telephone line. "Thank you for letting me use your telephone." The butler was sitting on the car, as the men had shocked faces. I just stood to the side, cocking my head and having a bored, annoyed look while crossing my arms. "Sebastian, hurry up. A ghost can't stay this way forever." Sebastian nodded as I ended my sentence.

"By the way, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you." He directed his attention to the two men, as they were still stunned by what just happened. "First, who is your master?" The demon questioned. Honestly, I felt bad for the guys. "I am not a very patient man, and the lady next to me isn't very patient either. You don't want to turn into Humpty Dumpties, do you?" He explained, losing the grin on his face. The man with grayish green hair closed his eyes and clenched the car, as the other one decided to be brave and speak.

"He's the Azzurro Vanel of the Ferro Family! He has a hideout in the northern East End!" The man admitted, before adding, "We only work for him!" Sebastian stood up, holding a smile again. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry to have stopped you. Please, be on your way." The demon looked like he was really having fun with this. Sebastian jumped off the car, landing next to me. I waved at the men, saying "Bye, bye," as they fell to their death. The car exploded behind us, as the butler checked his pocket watch. I cut him off as he started to speak.

"You brag too much." I replied coldly, annoyed at the demon. "Oh, no. I just wanted to use the quickest possible method to get to my master." He confidently remarked, making me scoff. "Whatever."

"By the way, Sebastian, I don't have as much stamina as you. I-" Before I could finish my sentence, the butler picked me up. "Then in that case, I will just carry you." He observed. "What?! Hey!" I shouted at him, before sighing. The demon ran as the wind pounded on us, forcing me to close my eyes. Maybe if I had goggles I might be able to be compared to this demon! I smiled at my own thought. Well, time to save Ciel.

Yay! I finally got this finished! I swear, I do have too much time on my hands. *sigh* 

Anyways, I love you guys so much for reading this story. Even though it's not a lot of people reading it so far, you guys mean so much to me ouo

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