Chapter 3 ~ Helping the Servants

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So, if you saw, I changed my mind about the Sebastian x Reader thing. It's going to be all boy characters (excluding Ciel and Alois, they are gonna be for Luna which I am also going to share her POV as I said in the last chapter. :D) x the OC. 

By the way, if you like Vocaloid songs, you'll like this song! It's been my favorite for a while now :D

Today was the day after Sebastian informed me about the Ball and the day before it begins. I promised myself that I wanted to improve my relationships with the servants of the manor excluding Sebastian. So, what do I do? Help them, of course. Currently, I was helping Finny trim the rose bushes. It was a really tedious task, because Finny said that Ciel likes only white roses in the garden. It was awkward because we were too shy to think of anything to say.

"Hi Finny," I finally spoke up, not taking my eyes off the rose bush. "Hey, (y/n)." He replied, not taking his sight off of the rose bush either. It was yet another awkward silence again.

"Finny, what is your favorite animal?" I asked.

This always starts a conversation. I just have to think of the right things to say.

"Oh! My favorite animal are birds!" He cheerfully answered, smiling. Alright, he likes birds. What is good in birds? Their songs! Their elegant way of flying! "I also like birds, but they aren't my favorite animal. I like them because they are beautiful and elegant. Not to mention they are cute!" I did it! I came up with a good response!

"Hey, (y/n), what is your favorite animal?" Finny then asked me the same question.

"Snakes!" I abruptly answered. He fell silent.

Oh, that's right, Snakes eat all the cute animals! Snap!

"Well, uh, snakes are pretty cool too (y/n).." He was at a loss of words. He didn't want to say anything good about them because they eat cute animals, but he didn't want to make me feel bad. "I-I think I'm going to go help Mey-Rin now." I stuttered, trying not to hurt his feelings. "Oh. Okay, bye (y/n)!" He smiled and waved. But, I knew that he probably felt sad that I was leaving him. Oh well.


Mey-Rin put a stool down next to the shelf of plates, right when I found her. "Oh, Mey-Rin! Do you need help?" I asked, walking over to her. "Uh.. yeah." She hesitantly replied. Mey-Rin almost put her foot on the stool until I said something. "Wait, that stool is unstable! It's broken!" I informed her. I saw the clumsy maid kneel down and look at the stool. "You're right.. oh! There's a chair over there we can use." She's right, that's much more safer than a stool. Mey-Rin went and dragged the chair over to the shelf. "Here, Mey-Rin I'll hand you the plates. It's safer." I said. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Alright, lets do this!" I got up on the chair, and handed plates one by one to Mey-Rin. She put them on the counter for the 'chef.' Shortly, we were done. We decided to use our free time to chat.

"(y/n), where did you grow up? I've never heard of the surname Fayesworth.." The cheery maid asked, sitting down.

I moved nervously, thinking of what to say. "Well, uh, I kind of don't remember.." I told her, looking down. "Well, that's fine! I'll ask a different question then, have you seen any cute boys around?" She questioned again, smiling. "I again don't remember.. the only cute boy I have seen so far is Ciel, since of course, he is a litt-" I stopped mid-way because Mey-Rin's face was red. She turned around facing the wall, then murmured,

"So (y/n) is into shota boys.."

My face instantly grew red. "N-n-n-no! I didn't mean it like that! I meant he's cute because he is the only young person here!" I stuttered. "Oh. Then to put it in other words, who in this manor would you want to have an affair with?" That's much better now, Mey-Rin.

"Probably Finny or Sebastian. They are of course the only attractive males who aren't 11 years old.."

Right then Baldroy stomped into the room with an angry face, only to say "Are ya calling me unattractive, missy?!" He had a face which made Mey-Rin and I laugh.

"Oy, (y/n). I heard you were helping us around today, mind helping me?" The so-called-chef asked, lighting up a cigarette and smoking it.

"Sure, why not?" 


So, apparently Baldroy needed help cooking. Really, all he needed was to chop up vegetables, get a pot to boiling level, drop the vegetables in, and get some sort of ingredient to make the soup. I forgot which, however.. but don't worry. Sebastian has already made the soup part, we have to just chop up the vegetables and put it in the pot.

"Oy, (y/n), what vegetables do we need for this again?" Baldroy asked, scratching the back of his head. I sighed. Boys know nothing about cooking, except for Sebastian. "We need carrots, cabbage, celery, onions, and green beans. It's really healthy and delicious once we get it done.." Baldroy just looked at me with a dumbfounded face. "Wha, we need all that?! Can't we just use a flamethrower? It probably works the same way without vegetables."

I mentally sighed. Bard was being an idiot. "Can you get them from the cellar, please?" I asked, ignoring his previous statement. "Alright." Baldroy headed in an unknown direction and I watched him disappear. I leaned on the counter, waiting for him to come back. Soon enough, he did come back, carrying a sack with vegetables in it.

"Why couldn't you go in the cellar?! It's really cold there!" The chef angrily said, getting a cigar. I ignored him yet again and told him yet another thing. "Baldroy! Don't smoke in the kitchen.." I muttered, sighing. "Fine, fine." He decided to take his smoking elsewhere while I started to rinse the vegetables.

 Soon enough when I started to chop them, Baldroy returned looking ready to work. "Oh! Perfect timing, can you cut the onions?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the carrots I'm chopping right now.

 "Sure thing, (y/n)." Bard looked annoyed, probably because I was asking him so many things. Apparently, he takes so long chopping onions. By the time I got done handling all the other vegetables, he was halfway done cutting the onion. "Tch! Boys are also slow!" I sarcastically pointed out, before adding, "Here, I can do it. Just drop the vegetables in the pot." 

"Eh?!" Baldroy shouted.

 I started chopping the onions, ignoring him one last time, and in a minute I was done. I dropped my onions in the boiling pot, then sat down somewhere. "So, what now?" The blonde man asked, leaning against the counter. "We wait. It won't take long, it's about 10 minutes." I informed him, preparing to wait. 

"Oy, (y/n), have you heard of the disappearances at the Foxsmith manor?" The man asked, scratching his head. "Yeah, I heard that.." I murmured, playing with my fingers. "Aren't you and the young master going there tomorrow?" He questioned, getting out a cigar. "Oh, yeah, we are." I simply stated, looking away. "Eh? But that's dangerous!" Baldroy exclaimed, looking at me with concerned eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I can defend myself." I was confident, but Bard had doubt in his eyes. 

"Oh! The clock says 2:20 now, that means the soup is done!" I pointed out, turning off the fire. I hope Ciel likes it...


Turns out Ciel loved it. He even asked Sebastian, who made it, and the butler replied that Baldroy and I made the soup. Anyways, what I am worried about now is the ball. It's today. And I am in the carriage heading to it with Ciel and Sebastian. What awaits me? I don't know. All I know is I hope Sebastian saves me when the time comes. I hope.

Did you guys like it? :3 I spent a long time writing this.. anyways, school is starting really soon. I won't have much time to write the stories but I promise you I will find a way to get the chapters released even if it means doing my homework in school xD

Anywho, thank you for reading my story! If you enjoyed this chapter, you can support this story by voting for it so more people can read this and enjoy it too! ^_^

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