"Ah, I see. And your friend's name is...Win..." His eyes squint, signaling that her name has slipped his mind.

I laugh. "Winter."

"Winter! Ugh, I knew that." He hits his hand softly on the table.

I shake my head in amusement and look back to the menu for a drink. I was distracted by Harry's quiet tapping of his long fingers on the table.

When they abruptly stopped, I looked up to his face to see him looking at me. He saw me looking stalkerishly at his fingers. Wow, I'm doing really good today holding onto my dignity.

A light chuckle leaves his lips and it's contagious.

How relaxed and laid back he seems, makes me feel even more comfortable.

"Would you like to do my homework that I didn't do?" I ask, pushing the textbook to his side of the table.

He gives a fake, surprised gasp. "What? You didn't do your homework? Slacker!" I laugh.

With one finger, he lifts the cover of the book and flips through a couple of pages.

He goes to the page with a bookmark in it that marked the page full of questions that I should've done. But, instead, I was too busy obsessing over what I was going to wear and what I was going to say at this moment.

"These?" He asks, pointing to the page. I nod my head.

"Here, I'll help. 'What is tragic irony?'" He recites.

This angel is really helping me with my homework.

"When the audience knows that the character's actions will bring a fatal or tragic outcome, while the character themself does not."

He cocks his head to the side. "Sounds right," he chimes.

"'What is- " his eyes sudden bug out of his head. "How do you even pronounce that?"

I laugh and slide the textbook over to my side of the table. I look at the question he was pointing at. I remember having troubles with the word as well until my professor had started using it.

"Soliloquy?" I ask.

I look up at him and his gaze lifts up to my eyes. "Soul-what?"

I smile and read the word again. "Soliloquy."

I watch as his eyes zero in on my lips and then back to my eyes. Does Harry always do that? Yeah, he always watches people's lips. I've just never witnessed it personally, and it's very...charming.

"Got it. Glad I never made it to Uni," he jokes.

"Hi, sir. Ma'am. May I take your orders?" A waiter walks up to our table and I'm taken away by his politeness. It's a lot different from the local Denny's Diner.

"Hello. Uh, can I get the kale salad and a water?" Harry orders. Again, I am watching his lips.

The waiter then turns to me. "I'll have the house salad and water, please."

"Any main dishes?"

I look to Harry and he shrugs. "Whatever you want."

"I'm good with a salad, thank you," I tell the waiter.

He nods his head to us and goes to get our drinks. Watching the waiter walk away was the first time I noticed the subtle stares we were getting around the restaurant.

"We should go to the gym again sometime," Harry suggests, making me divert my gaze away from the people.

"The gym?"

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