She was about to yank open the door when she felt a yank on her arm. "Let go!", she yelled and ripped her arm from Zero's grasp. "Do not run. If you run out that hall, you will die. I said you two were safest with me. I will return you all safely. You have my word.", he said, not reaching for her arm again.

Adelice stayed still for a few moment and stared up at him, not knowing if she should trust this man. In the end, there wasn't much she could do. The building shook violently as it started to sink into the ground, the sound of the building shaking was hurting Adelice's ears as she struggled to keep her footing.

Smoke started to rise around the room making her eyes burn. She could just barely make out the outline of Zero now as she held Euphemia's hand. She watched as Zero grabbed something from inside his suit and pushed a little device, making one of the windows explode. The smoke rushed out of the opening as she felt Zero put a hand on her back.

She winced at the touch of his hand, desperately wanting it away from her as soon as possible. A shiver ran down her spine as she though of the same hand that was touching her now was the same that he had used to kill Clovis with. "We're gonna jump to the next floor.", he said, pointing down to a balcony on the level below them.

Adelice frowned and felt a pang of fear. Jumping down a story of a building was not in her list of things to do. She watched as Euphemia slowly inched her way off the window, Zero helping her. Euphemia slowly closed her eyes and jumped, Adelice closed her eyes as well not wanting to watch Euphemia do it.

She heard the soft thud of a body hitting the hard floor and let out a breathe she hadn't realized she had been holding. Euphemia was safe. Zero turned to her and motioned to her with his hand. She slowly approached him and slid out onto the window, stretching herself as far down as she could. She slowly closed her eyes, not wanting to see how far it was and let go.

She felt weightless as her body fell, almost like she was a feather in the wind. She landed with a thud on the ground, knocking the breathe out of her. She winced slightly and looked up to where she had jumped from. Zero could be see peering down at her. Euphemia came up to her and gently held out her hand for Adelice to take.

Adelice smiled up at her and took her friends hand, liking the small gesture of affection. She looked up to see Zero looking down at her. "Go through the room and make a left down the hall. You will be with the others. My men are there to help you.", he said to them and then disappeared from their view. Adelice frowned and turned to look at Euphemia who looked like she wanted to start to cry.

"Euphie, what's wrong?", Adelice asked, looking concerned. Perhaps she had hurt herself during the fall. Adelice's eyes scanned Euphemia... there wasn't a scratch on her. "I can't believe you are alive.", Euphemia whispered. Adelice frowned more as Euphemia face turned into a bright smile. She knew where she was going with this but that could never be, not if she wanted to stay with Lelouch.

"You can come back and live with us.", Euphemia said, still smiling brightly. Adelice shook her head softly and took a step toward Euphemia. "Euphie... It can't be like it was back then....", she said, her blue eyes falling to the floor. "W-why?", Euphie asked, getting a worried look on her face. Adelice shook her head more.

"I like the way my life is now.", she said, meeting Euphemia's eyes. Euphemia's eyes started to get watery. "But... you have to come back..", she whispered, pouting softly. Adelice smiled sadly and took a step closer to Euphemia, cupping the girls face in her hands. "Euphemia.. you have to promise you won't say anything. Pretend I still don't exist.", Adelice said back to her softly.

"No..", Euphemia whispered softly, tears welling up in her eyes. Time was running out as the building started to quickly sink into the ground. Adelice didn't have much time for this. She had to make sure that Euphie wouldn't say anything to give her identity away.

Storms of the Heart [Code Geass Fanfiction; LelouchXOC]Where stories live. Discover now