
"Mae! Lets go shopping!" Jayna's voice shouts out. I jump awake seeing all three of my girl friends in my room.

"What's going on?"

"You have your date with Wilson today." Lucy smiles at me. I look at them in shock.

"Brianna told us." Jayna sells her out as she looks at me shocked.

"In my defense they like begged me to tell them. I thought you wouldn't mind."

"No it's all cool." I smile at my best friend happy that she didn't lie to me. Lucy goes straight into my closet and starts rummaging though it. We just went shopping not to long ago so I don't think that I need to go shopping again.

"We need to find the perfect outfit." Lucy says from inside my closet.

"I don't even know what to wear." Jayna smiles at me as I tell them my thoughts. I honestly don't know what Wilson likes so its a little hard to pick something to wear.

"It's okay that's why we are going shopping. To find something no one has seen before!" Lucy suggests. I shrug as Brianna rolls her eyes playfully.

"Sure why not?" I jump out of bed trying to get dressed into something that wont be too much of a hassle to change in and out of a couple times. I walk out the door with all the girls by my side. We drive in Lucy's car to the closest mall. When we get there Lucy takes me to her favorite shop. We search in there for what seems like hours with no luck. We move on to Jayna's favorite shop. Again we search but we come up with nothing. Lastly Brianna takes us to her step mothers favorite shop.

"Okay so this is cute." Lucy pulls out some jeans.

"You had said more casual?" Jayna asks me going through the racks.

"Casual yet cute" Brianna tells them.

"Hello ladies is there anyway that I can help?" The sales associate asks us.

"I think we are-" Brianna starts but I cut her off.

"I am looking for a date outfit. Something casual yet cute and functional. Not that I don't think my friends wont find something but its nice to have someone who knows the store."

"Of course and may I ask what sizes you are?"

"Small in shirts, 3 in pants and small in skirts."

"Awesome." She walks away. We keep looking as Lucy drags me to a changing room. The first outfit that we find was jeans and a business like top. It just made me look all boxy with no curves. The one Jayna threw at me was jeans and this top that tied around my neck but it just didn't feel right. Losing hope Brianna brought me her outfit. Shorts and a top with a cardigan. I liked it but not for a date.

"What now?" I ask them just as the sales associate comes rushing over.

"Okay so here are some of my finds. There is a total of two outfits in there. The skirts goes with the black tank and the jeans go with the sweater. Let me know if you need any size changes." I nod at her. She walks away as I head into the change room. I try on the jeans and sweater first. I walk out to see the girls.

"Well?" I ask.

"I like that." Lucy smiles.

"Me too but its missing something." Brianna agrees.

"It's cute for a night in date." Jayna says as we all agree with her.

"Alright so maybe?" The all nod. I smile as I walk back into the change room. I look at the bright pink skirt with the bright pink belt. The skirt has more of an Aztec design and the plain black tank top I don't know if it'll work together. I put them on and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The tank top catches all my curves as the skirt stops mid-thigh. The simplicity of this out makes it look amazing. As I walk out the sales associate is talking with the girls.

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