(Chapter 4) I Discover That I Am A Clumsy Little Klunk

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I awake to someone shaking me. "Get up green bean, it's time to find out what your job is gonna be." A strong familiar male voice tells me.

My eyes flutter open and I groan. "But Newt! The sun hasn't even risen yet!" I say groggily and I turn over in my bed and bury my face in the pillow. 

Newt chuckles. "Okay, I'll give you five more minutes..." He continues talking but I didn't hear him because I was asleep. I should've been awake to hear the last part though because if I heard it, I would've jumped up faster than jumping spider.


Five minutes later I'm not shaken awake by newts soft hands, but throws into the air and over a strong muscular guys shoulder. My eyes snap open angrily. "You Shuck Face what are you doing!" I shout groggily at the man, trying to sound intimidating but, come on. I was sleepy, and there is not a human in the world that can sound intimidating when sleepy. Well... Except half of the world.

"Shut up Greenie." The man said. I looked at the mans skin. Dark and Dirty as heck. I look up at the mans hair. Black and Perfectly Sculpted. Minho.

I groan. "The sun still hasn't risen! Who wakes up before the sun rises. No one!" I shout at him angrily.

"Well mornin' to you too miss sunshine." He says sarcastically. "If you aren't a morning person already, which by the looks of it you are..." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. "Get used to it shank. Everyone here wakes up before sunrise. I'm not gonna be all nice and go easy on you just because your a girl. I fact maybe I should make you wake up 30 minutes earlier than everyone else!"

My mouth drops. "No! That's not fair. Alby wouldn't let you do that. Or Newt!" I say defiantly.

He smirks m. "Oh yes they would." And he continues carrying me to where ever we are going.

He carries me over to a group of boys with hammers and nails, surrounding a half finished project. working on building something. "These are the Builders. You will be working with them today to see if being a builder is for you.

I see pig face walk up to me smirking and I groan. "What are you doing here?" I ask him putting my hands on my hips.

"I'm the keeper of the builders shank. I have to let you catch a short glimpse of how we do stuff here." He says emphasizing have.

Minho grins enjoying our little argument. "That's Gally by the way. I don't think he will be introducing himself, so I will. He stands there for a while longer before saying, "Well, I'll just be here watching you  klunk faces, Supervising everything. He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Let's go then, we have all day." I say impatiently to pig face Gally. I did not particularly like that slint head and I needed him to know that.

I slightly smile to myself. I think the glader language has grown on me.

He growled. "I'm the keeper here shank, I say what we do and when we do it." He walks over to the homestead. "Follow me." He shouts sounding just as annoyed that we have to work together as I am.

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