Nico's weirdness

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Luna pov

Marshmallow growled 

'monsters...and lots of them' 

"monsters? " Nico asked him and sniffed the air

MY Nico had the nose of a hellhound..he could smell a demigod a mile away and even what half-god it was

he growled in frustration 

"the wind is blowing East, they can't smell us but I can't smell them " he explained looking forward 

"but one things for sure" Percy said in thought

"we're going to investigate what those sounds were and who made them, then figure what in Olympus' name is wrong with you" he said pointing at Nico 

"and figure out if Marshmallow likes marshmallows" Percy added last and Annabeth face-palmed 

"he does..that's how I named him" Clare interrupted 

"ok!" I yelled

 "one down two to go!" Percy yelled after me

"yep allonsy !" Nico yelled then Piper, Leo, Clare and Percy cracked up laughing and I smiled

"wait" they all said at the same time

"you know Doctor who?" they all asked each other and laughed again and followed Nico and me to the sound

we both walked silently until I saw Nico flinch then shake his head and walked up to the nearest tree and leaned against it

"are you ok? what's up?" I asked and placed my hand on his shoulder

"I-I don't-" he said holding his head


now I was very worried 

"is he ok?" Annabeth asked catching up to us 

Nico took a deep breath and looked up at her

"yeah..just tired " Nico lied perfectly 

but no matter what..he could never fool me

"what's really wrong with you?" I asked quietly when she walked away

he looked up at me scared

"Lu...what did I do this morning?"

I stood shocked at him

"hey guys!" Leo yelled snapping me back to reality 

"we got company" 

I had just enough time to turn around and see a girl in camouflage with a gold sword before everything went black


I once again woke up in a cell

A scared too death teenage girl was shaking uncontrollably in the corner and screamed when I groaned

"IT'S AWAKE! HELP! LET ME OUT OF HERE!" she yelled and I looked at her

"Oh shut!-" a guard yelled at her but stopped mid-sentence

He looked at me and a look of pure fear crossed his face

Then I realized something...

The light in the cell wasn't lit...or had a bulb in for that matter..

I raised my hand to my face and it lit up with blue light..

My eyes! They were glowing!

I looked down at the rest of me..

My skin was black and leather-like with small round scales here and there

I licked my teeth and almost cut my tough on sharp shark teeth

I looked back down at my hand and saw my fingernails replaced with black dagger like claws

I was in my true form!

I turned to the guard and hissed

He jumped back and dropped his spear and ran off somewhere to the left

I quickly grabbed the spear and broke off the sharp top

The girl screamed again

"Don't worry" I told her

"I'm not hungry " I half lied

A monster was always hungry for demigod blood...

"S-so you're n-not going to eat me?" She asked still shaking

I nodded and jabbed the spear head in the lock of the cell door

"I need to find my freak of a husband "

I heard a loud gasp from behind me and the girl squeaked

"YOU DO WOVE ME!!" My freak yelled

I froze as arms snaked around my waistline and I was lifted off the cold ground

"YOU FINALLY ADMIT WE'RE MARRIED!!!" Nico yelled happily crushing me in a hug

"N-NO I DIDN'T! " I yelled nervously

"H-how long were you watching?"

Nico put me down smiling like crazy

"You know I watch you sleep sometimes, and your way too cute with your little cat ears!" He said and rubbed the ears on the top of my head earning a soft purr from me

His hands combed my black hair and scratched under my chin

I purred louder before shoving him away

"Stop it!" I yelled trying to be mad at him and was blushing hard

He laughed

"You know you love it" Nico said and winked at me

I growled at him and he laughed

"Y-your ears go flat wa-when your mad just like a cat!"

"I'm not a cat!"

"You sure about that?" He asked raising an eyebrow and smiling

"You're too weak to bend the mist, so I'll do it for you" his smile turned evil

"What do?-" I asked and he cut me off by kissing my forehead and a cold feeling washed over me

I opened my eyes slowly and Nico was still smiling evilly

I looked down at myself and I still had my same dirty clothes on,my skin was it's normal pink flesh color

"Y-you have a tail!" The teen girl yelled

I had a tail before but it was hidden in my jeans left pant leg

But this one was very different

My tail had two small fins for control and was covered in scales..this one was fluffy, curled and still black

"You made me a cat girl?really?" I asked him and Nico reached up and rubbed my now fluffy and soft cat ears

I burst into laughter


"My little black kitten "Nico sighed

"We're the same height! "

"My kitten..." Nico repeated joining my laughter

"Ok so first"Nico said after we both calmed down

"Who are you?" Nico asked the girl

Done what do you think?

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And sorry for not updating, my computer had a virus thing

So I wrote on my phone

Well comment! vote! and!....wait

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